Kick Off to Kinder

Today was the first day of Kick-off to Kinder. The children looked excited and happy to start off the program. The teacher was guiding them through the daily routines they will start doing from today. They had reading  time, snack time, and some playing time. Each child had to read the alphabet outloud to their peers and the colorful carpet is used to dismiss the children according to their color. In one day, the kids are activly learning a lot!

Graduation of the Class of 2012- Youth Bridges Award


This is the fourth year that Puente has given the Youth Bridges Award to graduates of Pescadero High School. This year we are thrilled that about 40 families and individuals made donations to raise money for the 10 scholarships we are giving tonight.

Every year, Puente gives the Youth Bridges Award to the youth that graduate from Pescadero High School and that at any point worked at Puente during a summer or the school year.

It is very important that as a community we recognize the bridging role that youth play. These youth are the camp counselors for our children’s camp; they support the school district programs such panther camp, kick off, math camp, etc.; they staff our community farmer’s market; they tutor younger children and adults; they go on career development internships; they participate in academic services and several trainings to develop their life and work skills.

Any youth interested in being a part of the Youth Leadership and Employment Program is welcome to contact us.

We also would like to recognize and congratulate the parents of the graduates with the important role they play in these endeavors.

We are very proud to have given the Youth Bridges Award to the following graduates last Friday, June 8:

Laura Rodriguez
Jose Resendiz
Omar Ortega
Javier Morales
Bernardo Flores
Ana-Lesa Sukkestad
Angel Lopez
Brenda Lopez
Daniel Castro
Nestor Marin

Respected Preschool Teacher, Norka Bailey, Speaks On Investing in Our Children

Norka Bailey is a respected community member and visionary preschool teacher with the La Honda/Pescadero School District. In the video below, she comments on changing child development funding in the state of California. While funding in the state  has always been complicated, Ms. Bailey emphasizes that, regardless of the tax codes and restrictions, the world cannot hope to improve and progress if we neglect the education of our youngest children and advocate for leaders to put them first. A compelling commentary, check out just what she has to say here.