National Farmworker Awareness Week


National Farmworker Awareness Week (NFAW) is a week of action for students and community members to raise awareness about farmworker issues on our campuses and in our communities. In 2012 we celebrate the 13th Annual National Farmworker Awareness Week to raise awareness about farmworker conditions and to honor their important contributions to us every day!


Career Opportunities at Puente

Community Organizer

The Community Organizer conducts outreach, case management services, and education services to farm workers (and their families); assesses farm worker needs and evaluates the impact of Puente farm worker services; promotes Puente programs and activities throughout the South Coast communities of La Honda, Pescadero, Loma Mar and San Gregorio; and coordinates Puente disaster preparedness activities.

Click here for Community Organizer Job Description

Summer Youth Employment Program

Puente is seeking young people, ages 14-21 to participate in the Youth Summer Program 2012 from June 14-August 21, 2012. The Summer Youth Employment Program strives to: Emphasize real-world work expectations and experiences for youth, Increase awareness of services offered by local community based organizations, and provide opportunities for career instruction, financial literacy training, academic improvement, leadership development and social growth.

Click here for Summer Youth Employment Program application.

Local CPR and First Aid Training continues

Puente, with the support of Silicon Valley Community Foundation, has been providing several CPR and First Aid trainings to members of the community in Pescadero, La Honda and Half Moon Bay. Read more