Spring Programs begin at Puente

Puente’s academic programs resumed this week. Adult Literacy, Night ESL  and La Honda Spanish classes started on the 9th. Homework club and Morning ESL started on the 10th.

Click on the hyperlink for more information on Puente Spring 2012 Programs.

If you are interested in joining any or our classes please contact Kassi Talbot at ktalbot@mypuente.org

La Sala men celebrate Christmas

Migrant workers celebrated Christmas at La Sala with traditional american dinner and some tamales.

On this special dates, they were sharing stories about what they would’ve done with their families in Mexico, how they miss their families, how they celebrated Christmas Eve and other reminders of how far they are from home.

Some of them also talked about their reason for being here and the goals they have for their families in Mexico.

After dinner they received a stocking with toiletries and other practical supplies.

Happy Holidays to them all.



Puente wraps up Holiday Season

Puente wrapped up the holiday season with a week of festivities.

On Friday December 16th Puente celebrated our Community posada. The  procession from St. Anthony’s Church was followed by food, singing, games, and pictures with Santa Claus. Over 300 community members joined the festivities and got in the holiday spirit. Puente youth handed out nearly 200 stockings to the children in attendance. 

Pilgrims walk the streets of Pescadero

Little angels posing with the Wise Men

Santa with a little angel


On Sunday December 18th, La Sala celebrated its posada at the Pescadero Community Church. Over 34 farm and nursery workers attended and enjoyed food,  music and gift bags.

On Tuesday December 20th Puente held our 3rd annual Hanukkah party at Pescadero Elementary School. Nearly 90 children attended — they played dreidels, read the Hanukkah story, and learned to make (and eat) potato latkes.