Puente Community Posada

I hope that you’ll join us for a community Christmas Posada on Friday, December 16, 2011 in Pescadero.

Traditionally, the Posadas enact the journey of Joseph and Mary, remembering them as they went door to door in search of lodging and safe haven. Their journey reminds us of countless other pilgrims that sought safety over the generations and those that refused them shelter. This powerful narrative takes different forms in every faith tradition as we are reminded that each of us holds the responsibility to bring light to others, even in the darkest times.
I hope that you will join with Puente and our beloved communities at St. Anthony’s and Pescadero Community Churches as well as St.Vincent de Paul Society of Pescadero, as we walk through Pescadero asking for safe harbor for the world’s many pilgrims. The procession will be followed by food, singing, games, and of course, Santa Claus, for the children.

Wishing you and yours a safe journey,

Puente Youth Receive CERT Certificates During Earthquake Presentation


On Wednesday November 16th Geologist Ray Wells taught an earthquake class to Puente Youth. Youth studied maps of the California  faults and modeled an earthquake. Sally Bachman handed out California Major Historic Earthquake T-shirts. The youth received their certificates for  completing the  Community Emergency Response Team training provided by the  La Honda Brigade volunteers.

In total 15 youth completed the training and received their certificates.

The training was supported by  Friends of the PMAC of the Pescadero Foundation.



Puente Holiday Wishlist

 Christmas Stockings for Children (200)

  • Coloring book & Crayons
  • Erasers
  • Fiskars scissors (blunt)
  • Glue sticks
  • Color Pencils
  • Watercolor paint kit
  • Stickers
  • Bubbles
  • Party-size play doh
  • Flash cards
  • Memory card games
  • Amazon wish list:

Christmas Stockings for single Farm & Nursery Workers (75)

  • Shampoo (regular size)
  • Soap
  • Razors (4)
  • Comb
  • Deodorant
  • Lotion
  • Travel Size Sewing Kit
  • Tube socks (2)
  • Black stocking cap
  • Hand towel
  • Mini flashlight
  • Amazon wish list: