We say goodbye to summer and hello to fall with cupcakes, a new place and time

Pescadero Grown!
New Market Location & Hours
New location: 350 Stage Road, Pescadero
New hours: 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM
 We gladly accept WIC Farmer’s Market Vouchers and CalFresh/EBT
This week at the market
August 25, 2011
Farmers and Producers that serve local, sustainable and fresh produce, eggs, meat, fruit, jam, honey, fish and flowers!
Addwater Farm
Blue House Farm
Blue Ocean Smokehouse
Del Sur Farm
CSM Beekeepers Cooperative
Echo Valley Farm
Farm House Frosting and Buttercup Cakes — NEW THIS WEEK
Fly Girl Farm
Fogline Nursery
Harley Farms
Kay Nelson Heritage Apples and Jams
Markegard Family Grass-fed 

For Children at the Market
HMB Library staff presents a special surprise!
Music at the Market
Fogline’s very own Geoff Allen along with Mark Binion
Interested in playing at the market? Contact outreach@mypuente.org 
New at the Market
Come to the market 7 times, get a free Pescadero Grown! market bag
Friends of Pescadero Grown!
 Support your local farmer’s market & become a Friend of Pescadero Grown!

Puente marks another great year at PAFF

Puente staff, board, volunteers and friends were well represented at the Pescadero Arts and Fun Festival this weekend. We were also proud to help launch the South Coast Prevention Partnership which made its first PAFF debut. Puente thanks the PAFF volunteers for 21 years of service to the Pescadero Community. Thanks for all you do and thanks for your financial support for Puente’s youth programs.

Thanks to Puente’s Team Backpack

Thanks to Puente’s Team Backpack for their love and support. Together, we provided backpacks for 215 La Honda and Pescadero youth!

  • John Albach
  • Archbishop Riordan High School
  • Shirley Bier
  • David & Carrie Boesch
  • Lynne Bowman & Rodger Rheinhart
  • Shannon Bowman Sarkisian
  • Jim & Genevieve Brigham
  • A. Broughton
  • Christine Bunn
  • Barbara Cappel
  • Susy Castoria
  • Liz & Harlan Chapman
  • Brenda Christensen & Tom Barry in memory of Betty Krollpfeiffer
  • The Cunneen Family
  • Coastside Farmers Market/Erin Tormey
  • Coastside Jewish Community
  • College Heights Church, San Mateo
  • Community Congregational Church of Benicia
  • Congregational Church of San Mateo
  • Office of the County Manager, San Mateo County
  • Helen Doneux
  • Jerry & Harriet Dorf
  • Marta Drury & Kerry Lobel
  • Shirley Reusch Drye
  • Earth Links, Inc.
  • First Congregational Church of Berkeley
  • Elizabeth Flood
  • Honorable Marina Fraser, Half Moon Bay City Council
  • Friends of Half Moon Bay Library
  • Friends of Woodside Library
  • Nora Gauger
  • Genentech
  • Michelle Gill
  • Holly Himes
  • Christine Hollender
  • Jim & Shirley Holley
  • Barbara Hooper
  • Honorable Don Horsley, San Mateo County Board of Supervisors
  • Kaiser Permanente
  • Richard Kirchner & Jacque Maxon
  • Knitzvah
  • La Honda Pescadero Unified School District
  • Come Lague & Charlene Li
  • Jo Lastec
  • Mary Lavigne-Butler
  • Milford Leal
  • Linda Lee
  • Donna Lindsay
  • Michael & Susan Lydon
  • Nancy Marks
  • Marie Martin
  • Mary McMillan
  • Cristopher & Pamela McReynolds
  • Greg Mendel
  • George Mozingo
  • Andrew Michael & Stephanie Ross
  • Jenni Olson & Julie Dorf
  • Hazel Olson-Dorf
  • John Owens
  • Nancy Patterson
  • Dennis Paull
  • Peninsula Metropolitan Community Church
  • Peery & Associates
  • Maya Perkins
  • Judith Peterson
  • Sarah Rarback
  • Recommind
  • Maya Rich
  • Sarah & Carl Rosendahl
  • Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory High School
  • St. Andrew Church, Pacifica
  • Gael Solos & Gene Lebel
  • Sonrisas Community Dental Center
  • Jan Stokley
  • JoAnna Strawbridge
  • Nancy Struck
  • Studio 4 Pilates
  • Greg & Ann Timm
  • Marcia Walters
  • Sarah Weihl
  • Warren Wolfeld
  • Adam & Jeanette Woodbury
  • Keith Young