Erika: Dancing our way to health

On Tuesday evenings, the music booms out of the elementary school multi-purpose room. Inside, women of all ages and a few brave men are sweating and smiling as they jump, squat, shimmy, and dance their way around the gym. A woman in a bright patterned t-shirt and neon green leggings is leading the charge at the front of the room, clapping and encouraging everyone. Welcome to Erika’s Zumba classes. Erika is a Pescadero Zumba sensation who weekly inspires her community to get moving, one shake and shimmy at a time.

Zumba – an hour-long class of choreographed dance moves designed to get heart rates up – is now nationally known as one of the most fun ways to do cardio. Zumba involves dance and aerobic movements performed to energetic music. The choreography incorporates hip-hop, soca, samba, salsa, merengue and mambo.

Erika first start attending Zumba in 2010 when it began at Puente, and says that even though she always wanted to be in the front to learn the steps, she was always shy and didn’t initially see herself as an instructor, as a leader. But when Puente needed more instructors in 2013, she decided just to go for it. “My first class,” she says, “I didn’t want people to look at me, but now, I make eye contact and acknowledge people when they come to the class and we connect.”

Studies show that Zumba is an effective way to increase aerobic fitness, the kind that keeps hearts healthy, reduces blood pressure, and can help prevent or manage diabetes and other chronic disease. Participants have talked about losing a little weight and becoming more confident in walking and jogging as they build regular exercise habits.

And yet, although the health benefits of regular cardio are undeniable, what strikes one most as you walk into the room is the community. Most nights, three generations of community members are dancing, from babes in arms to grandmothers, elementary and high school students, moms, dads, and more. There are old friends, and there are new friends. But being part of this active community goes deeper. Beyond the laughing and the dancing, Zumba is part of a number of programs Puente offers to decrease isolation and has even been shown to help with maternal depression. Although not everyone understands Spanish, Erika makes sure that everyone feels welcome to join, and to dance in whatever way they feel inspired, as long as they move!

Erika notes, “I feel like I am a source of support for people. I volunteer because I know people count on me.” The program is entirely volunteer-run, with administrative, management, childcare and outreach support from Puente, and classes run twice a week in Pescadero and once a week in La Honda. A core group of 15-20 comes every week to Pescadero, and 5-10 come every week to La Honda. Since its inception in 2010 in Pescadero and almost two years ago (July 2015) in La Honda, nearly 140 adults have been two-stepping their way to health and many more children have learned about healthy exercise habits by joining in the fun.

Zumba in La Honda is gaining traction too. Instructor Siobhan Togliatti says that although the core group is small, they are mighty, and dedicated! They meet every Wednesday night in the La Honda Elementary School Gym to enjoy all the same benefits – a dance party and a chance to connect with neighbors whom you may not see regularly otherwise.

Erika and her family are moving to Sacramento in April, and nearly 40 people descended on the gym last Tuesday to celebrate and attend her last class. Although Erika’s energy and warmth will be missed tremendously, her legacy in the community will be felt for years. Three other volunteer Zumba instructors have stepped up to cover Erika’s classes while a few other community members get trained.

Erika says, “Health is something that I didn’t really grow up hearing about. My advice to people who want to get healthy or start moving more is to use what you have, and do something you enjoy. Go for a walk, ride a bike, go to the beach – you don’t need a gym. Use what you have available to you!” Not only are her fellow adults taking this to heart, but also the youth who watch and join in the classes are learning lifelong ways to stay active and healthy. Two high school students have already been trained as instructors and will help teach classes during the summer. They bring a new flair to the floor.

And Erika’s hope for the future of Zumba in Pescadero? More classes and more instructors! “What we have started here has to keep going,” she says. Together, they are bringing people together and creating new kinds of healthy community habits, one that is just plain fun.

Puente’s Zumba program is supported by the Bella Vista Foundation as well as donations from program participants. To support Puente’s health efforts, click here.

“I just wish there was a way people could stay.” Gentrification divides the South Coast

Chrissy McPhee grew up near the South Coast, where her grandparents owned a beautiful ranch that she let herself fantasize being able to purchase and raise her children on someday.

But when her grandparents needed to sell the ranch, McPhee couldn’t come up with the kind of money local ranches were fetching from outside buyers. A few years ago, they sold it to someone else – a woman McPhee’s age, who works in tech.

Now she and her husband rent a one-bedroom house near Pescadero for around $2,000 a month. Their eldest child sleeps in the living room, and they share a bed with their youngest. McPhee’s husband works six days a week in the trades, pulling in a decent wage while she takes care of the children. (Her name has been changed to protect her privacy).

It’s not ideal, but she’s in a far better situation than other local families she knows.

“It may be one bedroom, but we don’t have a crowd of people in our house, which is often the case for people here. Out here, your grown kids can’t move out because there’s nowhere to move out to.”

McPhee knows it’s true. Her family had to live with relatives while they waited to find something – anything – to move into that they could afford. It took them a year.

“Anything we looked at, we said ‘We’ll take it.’ It’s not like there’s any other options,” she says. Furthermore, $2,000 a month is now a good price for a one-bedroom in Pescadero, or anywhere on the Peninsula.

“We could never move anywhere else, because the rent has even gone up so high everywhere,” she says.

McPhee’s experience is hardly unusual. While market-rate housing is scarce to begin with on the South Coast, an area with little inventory, it’s squeezed by a real estate boom that has driven the cost of a one-bedroom cottage far above the $500,000 mark and made Pescadero and San Gregorio a part of the “million-dollar club” along with the likes of San Mateo, Foster City, Redwood Shores and Brisbane. In 2016, the average Coastside home price (the area stretching from Montara to Davenport) rose faster than the county’s overall.

Experts agree that tech billionaires and millionaires are driving the market with their appetite for property in the Peninsula’s final frontier — “a rustic paradise of redwood forests, farms and blustery beaches,” as the Mercury News described the South Coast last year in a story about gentrification. Open-space agencies contribute to the trend: preserving a property means taking land out of development, even as a future home to farm workers or teachers.

What’s left is a limited stock of rentals that are often cramped, dilapidated and beyond expensive.

“What’s not fair is these homes get sold, and our local workforce ends up living in overpriced apartments or modified trailers where they have to pay more than they can afford,” says Puente Executive Director Rita Mancera.

The struggles of middle-income residents like McPhee – who frequently have deep family roots on the South Coast stretching back generations – typically receive less attention from county officials than low-income farm workers, who are enduring their own housing crisis in overcrowded trailers and barracks that are well past their best-by date. A recent report from the Silicon Valley Community Foundation describes this crisis.

Several families often double-up in trailers and apartments that can barely hold a family of four. There is no designated affordable housing on the South Coast for low-income workers, and inventory pressures mean they are often forced to compete with higher-wage workers for the same small pool of market-rate housing.

The result is displacement. Mancera knows of three families in the past year alone that have given up trying to make a life for themselves on the South Coast, and moved to Sacramento.

They tell us, ‘My kids are finally going to have their own bedroom,’” she says.

This is a statewide issue. California lost 2.5 million economically disadvantaged residents to less-expensive states between 2005 and 2015, according to a recent analysis of U.S. Census data by the Sacramento Bee. In that same period, California attracted new, wealthier residents at a higher rate.

But in a small community like the South Coast, even incremental changes have unexpected ripple effects. Wealthier families with small children have created a problem by offering to pay some local childcare providers far more than farm worker families can afford. The result is that in some cases, these providers have stopped working for the low-income families, and are caring privately for the children of families who can afford more, says Mancera.

The La Honda-Pescadero Unified School District sometimes has trouble attracting a large pool of applicants when a new teacher is needed. The issue is affordability. Even if the teachers find something to rent on the South Coast, they know they won’t be able to put down roots.

“We have talented people who want to work at Puente and in our schools. I want them to be able to afford to live here so that they don’t have to go somewhere else,” says Mancera.

Furthermore, a lot of the families move to the South Coast and raise their kids here, but their kids are not enrolled district schools. They go to private schools on the peninsula’s Bayside.

Young, educated, talented professionals who grew up in Pescadero are learning the hard way you can’t go home again… or if you do, you can never leave.

“I know people who have graduated from college and who have a job over the hill, and they still live with family because they cannot find anything that is affordable, either here or on the other side of the hill,” adds Mancera.

Sometimes McPhee feels like there are two versions of Pescadero for two different kinds of people: tourists and the well heeled, versus residents like her.

“There’s no food store that you could buy things for affordable prices,” she says. “You always get the feeling it’s not for you.”

There is nothing wrong with wanting to have a nice place to live – a beautiful, safe place to raise your children. But Mancera has joined hands with Puente Strategic Projects Advisor Kerry Lobel to push for solutions that work for everyone – the newcomers and those who want to stay.

One of the most obvious solutions – to construct an affordable housing complex – would help lower-income workers, but benefit middle-class residents, too. “It would alleviate some of the crisis and bring prices down,” says Mancera.

But it faces difficult obstacles, including coastal zoning and building laws that tend to favor preservation of a “pristine” viewshed over modest proposals for multi-family housing. Officials from County Supervisor Don Horsley’s office have made the issue of Coastside affordable housing a priority, and they are working closely with county staff in Planning and Building, Environmental Health, Housing and Community Development and other departments to pursue every good lead on sites for new construction.

There is a community will to find solutions, but Mancera thinks the South Coast urgently needs funding to hire someone who will interface with all stakeholders, from local farmers to state officials, to get the best projects moving forward.

Puente is proposing a nonprofit spinoff that can manage vacant housing rentals. It would handle the leases and maintenance for South Coast vacation homes that sit empty for most of the year. The partnership could help homeowners with upkeep, while also keeping some local families from going homeless when they lose a rental.

Speaking for everyone, Mancera says: “We have got to be able to do something else besides knowing the crisis exists. My current fear is that we’ll be talking about these issues again in ten years, and saying we couldn’t fix them.”

McPhee says her plan is to try to live in Pescadero indefinitely – although her husband does talk about moving out of state. She wants her kids to grow up going to Pescadero schools with the same group of lifelong friends. She wants them to feel like they belong.

“I just wish there was a way people could stay,” she says. “It’s like you don’t know how much of your soul to invest in a place if you don’t know how long you’re going to be here.”

If you would like to support Puente’s rental assistance, social support, and regional planning programs, connect here: (Donate Link)

Children are catalyst for lifelong learning for Esmeralda

Adult Education Coordinator, Charlea Binford, teaches class.

For many in the United States, completing primary schooling is not only achievable, but also expected. That, however, is not the case for many of the adult participants in Puente’s education programs. In their native country, many, if not most, participants stopped their schooling in order to financially assist their families. For those with only their primary education, and the few that come with more education, obtaining a higher level of education seems like a far-reaching goal. At Puente, however, far-reaching becomes obtainable.

Puente uses Plaza Comunitaria, in collaboration with the Mexican Consulate in San Francisco. The program consists of three levels of progression that teach the Spanish speaking adults to read, write and speak in their native tongue and to complete their first and secondary education. Our partnership assesses students’ current academic skills and the areas of improvement. Students work alongside a tutor to improve on the needed areas and take a final assessment. At the completion of this program students receive a diploma from the Secretary of Public Education from Mexico.

Esmeralda, a Puente participant is in the process of obtaining her secondary education through this effort. Esmeralda not only completed her primary education certificate, she is now also a student in our ESL Puente/Cañada College Class. As a mother, Esmeralda finds educating herself important in order to help her children with their education. When asked why pursuing her education was important to her, Esmeralda notes, “I finished my primary education in Mexico but I wanted to continue with my secondary education here because in the past I didn’t have the opportunity.” For Esmeralda, Puente and its partnership with Cañada College, provided her the perfect opportunity to follow with a higher degree of education, an opportunity she wasn’t able to follow in Mexico. “What’s awe inspiring about Esmeralda is how her children are the catalyst for her dream of a higher education,” says Lizeth Hernandez, Puente’s Education Director. “Esmeralda understands that ‘while nothing in life is easy,’ with hard work anyone can further their education.”

Executive Director, Rita Mancera, says “Puente has worked hard to seek financial support for adult education students through its partnership with the Institute for Mexicans Abroad (IME), Silicon Valley Community Foundation and other funding sources. This support, along with childcare and transportation, removes any real or perceived barriers to furthering their education.”

Esmeralda seeks more educational opportunities to teach her children that anything is possible at any point in one’s life. Above all Esmeralda hopes that her children will achieve more than their mother. For Esmeralda, showing her children that if she can accomplish her dreams, they, too, can become professionals and reach their own dreams, is the foundation upon which she stands on. By increasing her exposure to diverse educational opportunities, Esmeralda now finds she can better assist her children with their homework. She recalls how prior to advancing her English skills she did not understand her children’s homework. Now with her added language skills; Esmeralda understands and can advise her children.

Through her educational experience at Puente, Esmeralda believes that anyone can achieve his or her dreams. She thanks Puente for the support and opportunities they provide to their participants and the multiple services they offer regarding how to be better parents, how to better teach one’s children, and the various other services available to them.

For more information about how to become a tutor for adult students, contact Ben Ranz at 650-262-4101.

To make a financial contribution to help underwrite the costs of childcare, transportation and school supplies, click here.