Puente’s first GED grads accomplish the near-impossible

To the people who know them, Eufemia Castro and Liliana Villalobos are heroes. Their names are known to every adult on the South Coast who aspires to a high school degree, but must also contend with the demands of work and family.

Eufemia Castro and Liliana Villalobos with their tutors, Monica Amezcua, Suzanne Abel and Mariela Lopez

Eufemia Castro and Liliana Villalobos with their tutors, Monica Amezcua, Suzanne Abel and Mariela Lopez

Castro, 31, and Villalobos, 30, learned English, worked full-time, and (in Castro’s case) raised two young children – and all while earning their GEDs together. It took them more than three years, but the two friends passed their final test this summer.

In so doing, they became the first two graduates of Puente’s GED program. Inspired by their example, six other adults have followed them into the program.

How did they do it? The two friends try to answer the question during an interview at the Half Moon Bay Library. They sit and think for several moments: two confident, accomplished women with big smiles.

“It was very hard,” says Castro.

That’s putting it mildly. The women received four hours of tutoring each week by Puente staff and volunteers, along with at least six hours of homework – excluding extra study time before tests. Castro and her husband work full-time, and she had to prevail on her sister-in-law to watch her kids as much as possible since she can’t afford a babysitter. Villalobos, who lives in Montara, had to figure out a way to get down to Puente twice a week after a long day spent working and preparing supper for her husband.

Both women received the unyielding support of Puente GED tutors like Academic Director Suzanne Abel and Program Assistants Monica Amezcua and Mariela Lopez, who guided them through long GED workbooks on science, math, reading, writing and social studies. They also had the strong support of their husbands, which is not always a given in many families, according to Castro.

“Everyone who gets married forgets about studying. In our culture, you will have to be sacrificed for your husband and your kids,” she says – adding that she knows other women who don’t have the support of their husbands to study, even though they would like to.

“I’m very proud she decided to study because I know education is the key,” says Ismael Villalobos, Liliana’s husband. “She’s very intelligent.”

Liliana, who is stylish and energetic, grins back at him. “He said, ‘you have to do it, you have to study. Don’t worry about cleaning the house.”

Next up: a career  

Today, both women are enrolled in community college. Although they both clean rooms for a living, they are working toward becoming professionals someday and getting paid to do what they love: Castro’s dream is nursing, with a specialty in geriatric care. Villalobos has wanted to be a preschool teacher since she was 6.

Yet neither woman contemplated getting a high school degree and going to college, let alone having a career, when they first moved to California. Growing up in Mexico, Castro’s father could only afford to send her to school until the sixth grade. Villalobos had a single mother and she dropped out of school in grade 10.

Castro, who is serious and well spoken, always loved schoolwork. In 2009 she was enrolled in ESL at College of San Mateo with the basic goal of improving her English.

“But when I started going to the college I realized there were many doors open to me. All I needed was to want to do it,” she says. Her world realigned around a new goal: to seek her GED and become a nurse.

Castro reached out to Puente and asked whether anyone would be willing to tutor her for the GED. She recruited Villalobos to join her; the two were cleaning rooms together at Costanoa.

Neither of them had any idea how long it would take. The math section alone took more than a year. At times it felt torturous.

“We had to learn everything about math,” says Castro, shaking her head.

“Especially algebra! Oh my god! I couldn’t stop calling Eufemia to help me,” laughs Villalobos.

In the end, they passed the math test on their first attempt – just like every other test they took.

And finally, one beautiful day this July, they received their certificates and stopped by the Puente office with flowers to thank everyone and celebrate together. There was a lot of shrieking and hugging that day.

Their sheer determination and eventual success has inspired six other people to earn their GEDs through Puente, according to Kassi Talbot, Puente’s Learning Center Associate. There are enough students now that Puente plans to set up a weekly tutoring session for everyone.

“These other students started because they saw their example. And it’s only going to get bigger,” says Talbot.

Villalobos has some good advice for the newcomers: stay determined.

“I learned that easy things come easy. But when you really want to do something hard, you have to go and do it,” she says.

Puente needs several GED tutors for our upcoming classes. For details, please contact Kassi Talbot at (650) 879-1691 x 138 or ktalbot@mypuente.org.


South Coast says hello to new bus service

Locals weren’t sure what to expect when they heard that San Mateo County had decided to switch bus service providers and handed the contract for South Coast transit to a private company.

After all, SamCoast isn’t just another bus service. Apart from bus service that runs once in the early morning and once in the early evening, t’s the only appointment-based transit option for far-flung South Coast residents who don’t have access to a car or cannot get a drivers’ license because of their immigration status. It’s their only lift to groceries in Half Moon Bay or doctors’ appointments in Redwood City. Bus drivers are available by appointment to pick passengers up from home or work, by appointment. The service is an essential lifeline for the isolated, rural South Coast community.

MV Transportation Inc. took over SamCoast service in early November from the Pescadero Foundation. MV Transportation is able to serve the South Coast with a larger fleet and round-the-clock dispatch service,

A big part of the old SamCoast service involved transporting locals to and from Puente programs. MV Transportation has promised to keep these services whole. For example, although MV Transportation normally stopped service at 8:00 p.m., Puente Program Director Rita Mancera negotiated later bus service for students in evening ESL classes. In addition to ESL, which occurs two mornings and two nights a week, Puente pays around $1,300/month to transport people to and from La Sala, Story Time, SAAGE classes at Stanford University, and its Edible Afterschool program.

On the South Coast, new MV Transportation drivers are still learning the locations of farms or camps where people live in shared housing, often at the end of a long dirt road. Some camps allow the buses to stop on their property, and some don’t, according to Mancera. Fortunately two former SamCoast drivers joined the MV Transportation team which helped ease the transition between services.

Transportation is an essential ingredient for Puente programs such as La Sala

Transportation is an essential ingredient for Puente programs such as La Sala

Although the county subsidizes the service by more than $88,000 per year, the service isn’t free to riders. Adult riders pay $3.75 for a one-way ticket, the same price as before. That means a trip for a single person to the grocery store costs $7.50, which adds up quickly for someone earning a minimum hourly wage of $8.00. There is an additional fare for each family member — adults and children. As always, Puente covers the cost of transportation to and from Puente programs.

MV Transportation is a national company that operates everything from airport shuttles to city buses in 28 states and three countries.

Current and Upcoming Events

Classes are Back

Mark your calendar! Puente’s most popular classes and regular events are back in the New Year. Here are the start dates for Zumba and other important Puente classes:

Zumba is back January 8th 2014

Story Time is back January 9th 2014

Night ESL begins January 13th 2014

Morning ESL begins January 14th 2014

La Honda ESL begins January 14th 2014


Get fit and have fun with Zumba! New class in La Honda!
Join your neighbors for an hour of Latin dance-inspired fitness classes, courtesy of Puente. An experienced Zumba instructor gets a roomful of adults and children into the groove. Classes are Tuesday from 5 to 6 p.m. and Thursday from 6 to 7 p.m. in the Pescadero Elementary School multipurpose room** and Wednesdays from 5-6 p.m. at La Honda elementary school. Donations accepted; childcare provided for free for Pescadero classes.

Jump, Spin and Dance: Puente’s 2nd Annual Zumbathon: Stay tuned for more details.

March 18, 2014
