Pescadero Grown! First Annual Pescadero Pumpkin Festival on October 17

Join your friends and neighbors for a very special Pumpkin Fest at Puente’s Pescadero Grown! Farmers’ Market on Thursday, October 17.  Enjoy the flavors and the beauty of the season along with all the delicious treats you’ve come to expect (and some special entertainment). 

Puente’s health care interventions: the difference between living and dying

It was a nightmare come to life. One day a few years ago, La Honda resident Wayne Petersen got sick. His muscles were weak and he felt tired all the time. Sometimes he couldn’t speak or swallow his food. His gait was unsteady and at one point, he fell out of his car because he couldn’t stand.

Terrifying as his symptoms were, Petersen didn’t have a health care plan to deal with them. He had been denied medical insurance due to pre-existing conditions.

By the time he came to Puente for help, Petersen had already spent his entire life savings on private doctor visits. He was broke, and in spite of their efforts, none of the experts he’d consulted could figure out what was wrong with him.

That changed almost as soon as Petersen met with Safety Net Manager Lorena Vargas de Mendez, who discovered he qualified for San Mateo County’s Medicaid Coverage Expansion Program. Within a month Puente helped Petersen access the San Mateo County Health System. He got a primary care physician, who referred him to a series of specialists. He underwent echocardiograms, breathing analysis, liver monitoring, blood cell counts – “everything you can imagine,” he says.

Finally, Petersen was diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis, an autoimmune disease that presents only about 30,000 cases a year in the U.S. The neuromuscular disorder has already meant the end of Petersen’s career.  It has made simple things, like a trip to the grocery store, too strenuous to undertake. Eventually it will claim his respiratory system.

“I was used to making good money. Now it’s just surviving day-to-day,” says Petersen.

Today Petersen is managing his disease with Puente’s help. San Mateo County Public Health Nurse Karen Hackett, who is stationed with Puente, pays him regular visits and oversees his regimen of medications, doctor’s visits and physical therapy.

Vargas de Mendez also helped Petersen, who relies on a skimpy Social Security income, cut down on his electricity bill and weatherize his home with a PG&E discount.

“We can’t stop the progress of his disease, but at least he has a better life,” says Vargas de Mendez. “Just the fact that we are here in this isolated area really expedites the process of qualifying for health care. It could make the difference between living and dying.”

Of his experience with Puente, Petersen says: “Lorena helped me with a lot of stuff – got me in touch with everyone I needed, then saw me through everything.”

Puente launches health care survey

For years, Puente’s programs have made the connection between having health coverage and leading a healthy life.

“Puente really does save lives. It isn’t just a band-aid approach,” says Kerry Lobel, Executive Director of Puente. Petersen’s story is a testament to Puente’s wraparound approach to getting participants the care they need.

No one could have prevented Petersen’s disease. But changes to U.S. health care landscape will give future patients recourse to affordable healthcare before they go bankrupt.

Puente has launched an unprecedented, sweeping South Coast community health care survey to gather information on people’s current health care access; inform them about Puente’s own health care services; and help them meet the requirements contained in the Affordable Care Act.

Nicolás Romero talks with Ben Ranz about the South Coast health survey

Nicolás Romero talks with Ben Ranz about the South Coast health survey

Puente staff and volunteers will visit every home in Pescadero, Loma Mar, La Honda and San Gregorio. In so doing, they will also be able to gather more demographic details than any U.S. Census.

“People who didn’t have insurance before are now going to be required to get it. And we will be on the forefront of connecting people to these new services,” promises Puente Community Outreach Coordinator Ben Ranz, who is directing the survey. Ranz has gone door-to-door in Pescadero, explaining that the mandatory enrollment period is from October 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014 – and if people don’t sign up, they’ll be fined

“That’s a new concept for folks on the South Coast,” explains Ranz.

Getting folks signed up for medical insurance is one thing. Getting them to go to the doctor is another.

With no doctor on the South Coast, and the nearest medical office 18 miles away, it’s very difficult for locals to seek regular check-ups. Often they wait so long that an emergency develops for a disease, or a chronic condition worsens. Some illnesses can be prevented or symptoms lessened with early intervention.

“Most people say ‘no’ when we ask them if they’ve seen a doctor in the last 12 months.  It seems that people only go to the doctor when they’re sick,” says Ranz.

Distance will no longer be an obstacle to medical care starting next year. A mobile health clinic, staffed by bilingual doctors and nurses, will be housed on the South Coast.

The mobile clinic, a co-initiative of Puente and San Mateo County Health System, will serve roughly 3,000 adults in Pescadero, La Honda, Loma Mar and San Gregorio who have literally been without access to primary care since 2009.

Puente's survey crew: Barbara Guzman, Mariela Lopez, Alicia Vega and Ben Ranz

Puente’s survey crew: Barbara Guzman, Mariela Lopez, Alicia Vega and Ben Ranz

Ranz and his team are keen to ensure a strong demand, so one of their survey questions touches on the most convenient days of the week to visit the health van if it were available.

The survey, which Ranz developed with Puente youth workers, Mariela Lopez and Barbara Guzman, along the guidance and support of the Stanford Office of Community Health, will go a long way toward helping Puente understand which medical programs people qualify for. That data, in turn, will help Puente ensure that no one who needs a doctor gets left behind.

For more information about Puente’s community health survey or to contribute, please contact Community Outreach Coordinator Ben Ranz at (650) 879-1691 ext. 143 or To learn about enrolling in California Covered , contact Safety Net Services Manager Lorena Vargas at (650) 879-1691 ext. 116 or

Puente’s Bike Booth draws a following

When Juan Morales discovered a flat tire on his BMX one-speed, he knew what he needed: a visit to the Bike Booth.

So on a sunny Thursday in August, Morales, 13, walked his bike into the Pescadero Grown! Farmers’ Market and showed his damaged tire to Every Day, the convivial and dexterous bike mechanic on duty at the Bike Booth. She shook her head in mock exasperation.

Bike booth at farmers market

Bike Booth is center of gravity at Farmers’ Market

“That’s what happens when you jump your bike too hard and you don’t have good tire pressure. I’m going to get you a new tire,” she told him, reaching into a tall cardboard box and pulling one out.

Morales just grinned. He’s a Bike Booth regular, and, being 13, takes a certain pride in how quickly he can destroy a tire doing tricks on his BMX.

“This is, like, my seventh time here this summer, “ he said, unabashed. “I just ride all around with my friends, burning tires. We go everywhere.”

Bernardo Arellano and Every Day at Bike Booth

Bernardo Arellano and Every Day at Bike Booth

Every Day looks forward to seeing Morales and his BMX buddies each Thursday at the farmers’ market and teaching them the fundamentals of bike repair. Her easy manner and matter-of-fact repair tips have earned her a weekly entourage of young acolytes who like to help her work on the bikes people bring her – souped-up mountain bikes, road beaters, and everything in between.

The hive of attention that Every Day and her fellow bike mechanic, Lior Shaked, generate each week has been one of the nicest surprises for Puente, which sponsors the Bike Booth as a free service to the community.

“The kids love to learn to fix their own bikes. I’ve never seen them so attentive to anything,” said Nichole Mikaelian, Puente’s farmers’ market intern.

The feeling is mutual, said Every Day – who chose the unusual name for herself as an adult in order to call to mind that every day is a blessing. She loves having people around to chat with.

A full-time bike mechanic who lives in La Honda and volunteers with Puente, Every Day will typically fix five or six bikes during the four-hour weekly farmers’ market. She always comes prepared with boxes of nuts, bolts, screws, axle grease, tires, bike chains and many other parts. If she’s missing something she needs, Puente will supply it for her.

Clad in black latex gloves, a black work smock, heavy utility pants, and a sunhat, Every Day is ready for business. She taught herself how to fix bikes 20 years ago; her traveling bike shop is a cargo trailer named ‘Buddy.’

“I really like making things work. Square peg, round role,” she said, adding: “To pick through a box of nuts and bolts is my idea of a good time. It’s very calming.”

Now in its second year, the Bike Booth is a component of Puente’s much older bicycle donation program. Puente founder Wendy Taylor established the bicycle program when she realized that the farm workers living in and around Pescadero had no reliable transportation options to get to work.

The Bike Booth exists thanks to Liz Chapman, a former Puente board member and longtime volunteer and bike enthusiast. She recruited Kyle McKinley, who founded the Bike Church in Santa Cruz, to establish something similar at the Pescadero Grown! Farmers’ Market. She and her husband personally help fund Puente’s bicycle program.

Puente's bike team: Every Day, Liz Chapman and Lior Shaked

Puente’s bike team: Every Day, Liz Chapman and Lior Shaked

The afternoon turned mellow at the farmers’ market as Morales sat at a picnic bench in front of the Bike Booth, his tire now fixed, waiting with his friend Bernardo Arellano to get his bike fixed so the two of them could go out and ride.

Elsewhere in the market, teens blew bubbles as a guitarist sang the blues. Shoppers browsed market stalls and bought cupcakes, vegetables and meat.

A 10-year-old girl named Emerald Webb, came to ask Every Day if she could help work on a bike, so she put Webb to work, threading a new cable to help Arellano’s BMX 8-speed change gears.

Emerald Webb tries her had at bike repair

Emerald Webb tries her had at bike repair

She gave Webb a matching black smock and work gloves and they stood behind the back wheel of the bike, which was elevated on a rack. The sun filtered through the spokes, casting their faces in thin, shadowy stripes.

“I like this,” said Webb.

“I like it, too,” said Every Day.


To donate to Puente’s bike program, or e-mail us at (650) 879-1691 ext. 116 or