Profile of a Woman and a South Coast Farmworker


Day 6- National Farmworker Awareness Week

(Names have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals.)

Rosa came to the United States in 2002. In Mexico, she had been working for El Seguro Social (Mexico’s public health system), trained to travel from home to home and provide vaccinations.

Even with such a specialized job, “I was just making enough to meet the most basic needs,” she said. She finally told her mother she was going to go to California. Two of her brothers and one sister were there and although her mother tried to discourage her from the idea of leaving, she made the journey like millions of others who seek work in this country.

Rosa stills thinks about becoming a nurse or working with children, but without proper papers or status, those dreams have been put on hold. Today, she spends her days pulling weeds, picking flowers, and making bouquets with them. She has been working in a nursery in Pescadero since her arrival 11 years ago.

“I work only 5 hours every day. With the 8.25/hour I make, that’s only enough to pay for rent and basic expenses” says Rosa, who, for the first time, is considering finding another job. But despite financial challenges reminiscent of her past in Mexico, there is no doubt with Rosa that she enjoys what she does, working with the earth. Moreover, at her farm, she thinks men and women are treated equally.

When she’s not working, Rosa attends Puente’s Zumba dance fitness class. She considers herself shy and it took her some time to work up the confidence, but now she hardly ever misses one. “I come to socialize, to do something different. I still go to the last row, but I really enjoy coming.” She also takes English classes at Puente. “I would like to go to stores and understand what people say,” she shared, simply.

As Rosa continues to build her life here, the topic of immigration always looms. Reflecting on current events, she offers, “It is always plans, but at the end, nothing happens. I haven’t even heard it in the news so much lately, so I thought it was over again.” The hardest part for Rosa about her immigration status is not to being able to travel to Mexico. “I would like to see my sister” she said, referring to the one that stayed with her parents.

“It’s been more than ten years,” she said with a forced smile.

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5

“No me siento legal, pero nunca he hecho nada mal tampoco.”

Day 5- National Farmworker Awareness Week
(Names have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals.)


The constant stress of living in the U.S. without documents is an issue that affects millions in our country. Among them are farm and agricultural workers who are doing jobs that the majority of Americans would never dream of doing.

“The U.S. Economy is one that moves the world,” said Leonidas. “My job is a part of that. We are an important part of the agricultural economy in this country.” Leonidas first came to the U.S. in 1998 on a temporary work visa. He is currently on his third stint in the US. “Each time I crossed the border, it was legally, with a work visa. It’s just that, this last time, I’ve stayed longer.” He was supposed to leave in 2008, but plans instead on leaving this September.

In his hometown in Mexico, there are agencies that connect workers with American farmers to work during the harvest season. “My first job was in Kentucky. Since then I have worked in Washington, Texas, Tennessee, Nebraska, Louisiana and finally here in California.” It cost him a total of $350 to legally cross the border his first time over. Today, guides to cross illegally are charging up to $3,500, he says.

Lately, Leonidas has been working 10-hour days, 7 days a week, squeezing in a visit to La Sala when he can. As he spoke, he sipped tea to calm a cough that he imagines is from breathing in residual pesticides. “It’s all a sacrifice, but it’s worth it. I am working very hard, but the security of getting a check every two weeks to help support my family keeps me going. I feel pretty content living here…not really in these living conditions but in a place where there is work all year round.”

For Leonidas, the struggles and separation aren’t even the worst aspects. “For me the hardest part is not being legal and also not speaking English. If the police ever stop me, not only will I not be able to speak to them, but I don’t know what would happen [because of my legal status]. I don’t feel legal here, but I know I’ve never done anything wrong either.”

Like many farmworkers, he is waiting for some movement by the federal government regarding immigration. But he is also anxious to get back to his family, having not seen them for almost five years. “If I leave now and there is some kind of immigration reform and I’m not here, I won’t be able to take advantage,” he worries. Lives like his remain suspended in the shadows until politicians thousands of miles away from him take action.

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4