Record number of graduates receive Puente Youth Bridges Scholarships

Pescadero’s High School graduation is the biggest community event of the year. It feels like a rock concert at the gym. But sitting in the bleachers back in 2009, something started to bother Carol Young-Holt. It was the fact that, as certain students were singled out and applauded for academic achievements, three-quarters of the graduating class sat there without hearing their names.

Young-Holt, a founding supporter of Puente, knew how many of those students had worked at Puente over the years, struggling to support their families with part-time jobs and also finish high school.

“Not all the kids at Pescadero High School are at the top of their class. There are kids for whom simply graduating is a huge achievement,” she says.

Many of those youth had been working since puberty and still managed to be the first in their families – often, recent immigrants – to obtain a diploma.

Young-Holt, a longtime Puente board member, founded the Puente Youth Bridges Scholarships to honor students who had done double duty, earning a salary at Puente while earning that degree. Eleven students in this year’s graduating class earned Puente scholarships, cumulatively worth $3,350. It’s the biggest crop of scholarships ever awarded since the scholarship was established in 2009 – a point of pride for Young-Holt, who raises the money from local residents who care about seeing kids succeed. Puente’s Board of Directors contributes to the scholarship fund each year, as do more than 40 community families, thanks to the efforts of the Development Committee.

Puente is the largest youth employer on the South Coast. Half the students at Pescadero High School work for Puente at some point. Puente currently has 20 part-time youth employees, according to Program Director Rita Mancera. That number balloons to 40 youth in summertime.

Students use Bridges Scholarship monies to pay for books and school fees in their first year of college. The longer they’ve worked for Puente, the more they earn in scholarship dollars – between $50 and $450.

Scholarship recipient Laura Rodriguez will be one of roughly 20 students graduating from Pescadero High on June 8. The 17-year-old has lived in Pescadero most of her life and has worked pretty much every job at Puente over the last four years, from coordinator of the Homework Club to teaching Spanish. She needed the work to help out her family and will use the money to pay for school supplies and tuition in her first semester at Sierra College, near Sacramento.

Looking back, she’s amazed that she did it all.

“I go to school in the morning, come home, go to work.  Then I go back home, do my homework, help my siblings with their homework, feed them, get them ready for bed… and the next day it’s the same routine.”

Rodriguez has been working since she was 14. Her parents also work long hours. Going to college will be the first time she’s left Pescadero. She wants to study family counseling and business and finance, areas that piqued her interest after working at Puente.

“I kind of wanted to go out into the real world and experience different cultures and meet new people,” says Rodriguez. “I want to knew who I really am and what I really want in my life before I make major decisions.”

Mariela Lopez always knew she was going to college – even though her parents didn’t have the funds to send her there. Lopez, 19, just finished a challenging first year at Cal State Monterey Bay, where she studies social and behavioral sciences. She wants to be a criminal investigator.

Lopez has been working for Puente since her freshman year of high school, and she’s back in Pescadero to work in the Summer Youth Program. She didn’t have to work at all this year thanks to scholarships from Puente, the Silicon Valley Community Foundation and others. She’s not sure about next year, though.

“I’ve never had loans and it kind of freaks me out,” confesses Lopez. “I came back here to Pescadero because I want to work and save my money, so I don’t have to get loans – I really don’t want to.”


To contribute to the Youth Bridges Scholarship Program, contact Kerry Lobel at (650) 879-1691 x144 or

CERT’s Train-the-Trainer Helps Us Stay Prepared

      Ever wonder how Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) trainers learn how and what to train? On March 30, 31 and April 1 2012, the Menlo Park Fire Protection District sponsored “Train-the-Trainer” courses to answer that very question. With the specific goals of preparing instructors to deliver CERT Basic Training, understand and convey the program’s basic messages and intent, encourage students to achieve CERT objectives, and create a comfortable, well managed environment in which to accomplish it all, this course seeks to prepare participants to deliver FEMA-certified CERT Basic Training courses within their own community. Now being offered throughout California, registration requires only that one has completed the CERT Basic Training course his or herself and has a referral from a CERT sponsoring agency. In this important push to have more emergency preparedness specialists in the area, the government, California Volunteers, and California Citizen Corps, among others, are definitely shining a spotlight on safety.

      This year, Puente’s own Rita Mancera was there to take part. Taking place at the US&R Warehouse in Menlo Park, a group of around thirty participants volunteered their time to take part in what ended up being a wonderful and enlightening class. Daily activities ranged from learning how to teach putting out a fire, how to teach the Incident Command System (who does what), how to teach emergency volunteers to talk to incident victims among many other lessons. All and all, it was a valuable experience for all involved. To find out more about CERT and what you can do to be more prepared check out CERT’s various online resources ( and watch out for a class near you in the future. Material for youth like the new Teen CERT Annex are also now available online, to continue to raise awareness and emergency readiness for a safe community for everyone.

      Puente’s efforts on Emergency Preparedness are made possible with the generous support of Silicon Valley Community Foundation.


Thank you to our donors and supporters in 2011

Suzanne Abel
Kathy and Clark Akatiff
Anonymous (5)
Nancy Baker and Cathy Hauer
Julie Batz and Jhos Singer
Avis Boutell and Alice Miller
James and Genevieve Brigham
Brenda Christensen and Tom Barry
Tricia Dell and Dan Bernstein
Darla Donovan
Lorraine Eberhardt
Fern Friest and Michael Williams
Darcie and Greg Galle
Paul Godwin
Kate and Jeff Haas
Alan and Lori Haffner
Bruce Hamilton
Gunilla Hayward
Rob Johnson and Lary Lawson
Patrick Letellier and George Collyer
Faye Lobel
Rita Mancera and Jim Gust
Eleanor Palacios
Pescadero Community Church
Michael and Ana Polacek
Catherine Raye-Wong
Kathy Rehm
Gael Solos and Gene Lebel
Lesli Sachs-Williams and Eddie Williams
The Reverend Joanne Sanders
Sharon Shoemaker
Olga Talamante
Ann and Greg Timm
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Janet Trusso
Léonie Walker and Kate O’Hanlan
Carol Young-Holt and David Sandage
Suzanne Abel
Emily Adams and Carmen Arick
Sarah Adams
John Ahlbac
Terry and Ken Ajuria
Michael Akang
Paul Albert
Kathy Alberts and Garth Harwood
Grace Alexander
Laura Alster and Sam Martin
Linda Amezcua
Weston & Jeannette Anderson
Michael and Kaylyn Armstrong
Gayla and Gordon Armstrong
Sonja Anderson
Jean Atkinson
Sally Bachman and Ray Wells
Mary Lee Baker
Dennis Dillon Baker
Nancy Baker and Cathy Hauer
Devon Balsamo-Gillis
Julie Barney
Frances Barnsley
Sandra Barocio and Daniel Duffin
Julie Batz and Jhos Singer
Trageen Baumgart
Guillermo and Norka Bayley
Olivid Beattie
Elias Beckett
Jodi Behrens
Steve Benner
Kathleen Bennett and Thomas Malloy
Linda Bennett
Ann Benson and Iris Harrell
Barbara Berlant
Shirley Bier
Vicki Bierman
Mark Binion
Martin Binion
Molly Black and Scott Elrod
Tess Black
Martha Blaney
Andy Blasband and Martha Trela
David and Carrie Boesch
Peter Bohacek and Celia Gagnon
Dede Boies
Greg Bonaparte
Avis Boutell and Alice Miller
Lynne Bowman and Rodger Reinhart
Jake Bowman
Shannon Bowman Sarkisian
Robert and Laura Bradfield
Chris and Liz Brancart
Kelly Bravo
Bob and Lori Bredel
Sabrina Brennan
Jim and Genevieve Brigham
Carle Brinkman
Paula Brisker
Rachel Brodie
Elizabeth Brookes and Linda Lanier
A. Broughton
Debby Brown
Doris Brown
John and Wendy Buckley
Lorry Bunes
Christine Bunn
Eilis Burke and Sean Michael Costello
Joanna Burlison
Marilyn and Robert Burnes
Gail and Robert Buschini
Casey Bylund
Chris Bystedt
Esteban Cabrera
Tessa R. Callejo and William J. Black
Michelle Cancellier
Pamela Candelaria
Barbara Cappel
Rea Carey
Carmen Carmona
Matt Caroll
Marisela Castaneda
Susy Castoria
Charlie Catania
Danny Cauble
John Champion
Diane Chapman
Liz and Harlan Chapman
Brenda Christensen & Tom Barry
Lisa and Peter Chupity
Maryann and John Chwalek
Jeff Clarke and Lorraine Vallero
Steve Cobb
Nancy and Jordon Cohen
Victoria Colligan
Amy Constable
Elise Guine Cooper
Steve Corbin
Nancy Correll
Dr. Charles and Susan Cortesi
Mary and Paul Cosper
Stephanie Cousin
Kate Couto
Ted Crespo
Anne Cross
Margaret and Peter Cross
Thomas and Judith Crump
The Cunneen Family
Dave and Judy Damrosch
Carolyn Danforth
Annette Daniels
Janis Decker
Edward and Gayle Dee
Tricia Dell and Dan Bernstein
Win Dell’Ario, Designs Dell’Ario
Karen Delee
Anna Delmage
Karen deMoor and Tom McCook
Paula Dennis
Chris DeVincenzi
Kathleen Dickey
Richard Dodson
Rick Dodson
Mary Helen Doherty and Lindi Ramsden
Susan Donahue
Helen Doneux
Darla Donovan
Jerry and Harriet Dorf
Bob Dougherty
Marta Drury
Ron and Lynn Duarte
Janet Eadie
Loma Eaves
Rev. Terri Echelbarger and Eileen McCree
Gabriel Echeverria
Edith and Jonathan Eddy
Shelley Eisenman
Alison Elliott and Steve Blank
Jutka and Hugh Enochs
Robert Fall
Pat Farquhar
Zinaayida Fedosova
Rose Feerick
Chai Feldblum
María Fernández
Bert Feuss and Norma Garcia
Jean and John Fiske
Fern Friest and Michael Williams
Frances Finch
Elizabeth Flood
Caio Fonseca
Laura Franco and Scott Hayes
Honorable Marina Fraser
Marivee Frayer
Patricia Freeman
Nancy Frost
Thomas Furlong and Ann Chang Williams
Gary and Anne Gaddini
Robin Galas
Darcie and Greg Galle
Stephen and Anne Galli
Jackie Galloway
Linda Garber and Barbara Blinick
Gabriel Garcia
Jesus Garcia
Pedro Garcia
Phaidra Garcia
Velia Garcia
Monica H. Gavin
Nora Gauger
Frances and Ted Geballe
Michelle Gill
Paul Godwin
Dr. Chip B. and Linda B. Goldstein
Rebecca Goodman
Michael Goodwin
Armando Gonzalez
Danna Gonzalez
Steven Gorelick
Nancy Goumas
Kevin and Jeanie Graham
Janet Gray
Wayne and Kelly Greenwood
Betsy Gressler
Honorable Carole Groom
Gabriel Gutierrez
Sergio Gutierrez
Jorge Guzman
Kate and Jeff Haas
Alan and Lori Haffner
Andrew and Sandra Hall
Mary Hanlon
Eileen Hansen and Denise Wells
James Hanson
Marian Hardin
Elizabeth Hardy
Debbie Harris
Nicole Harris
Vaughn Harrison
Gunilla Hayward
Lou Heine
Trudy L Heise
Carlene Henneman
Steve and Linda Henry
Kris A. Hermanns and Merri Baldwin
Miguel Herrera
Yadira Herrera
Zonia Herrera
Jim Hewlett
Marjorie Hill
Vic Hill
Holly Himes
Monique Hodgkinson
Nicole Hoefer
Christine Hollender
Jim and Shirley Holley
Barbara Hooper and Terry Mahoney
Honorable Don Horsley
Gay Howard
Julia Howe and Gary Gogol
Lars Howlett
Emily Hoyer and Bonnie Faigeles
Jack Eugene Teeters, Hurlbut-Johnson
Charitable Trusts
Jesica Hsieh
Carol Irvine
Heather Irwin
Robert Irwin
Larry Jacobs and Sandra Belin
Jacobson Bell Family
Clara E. Jaeckel
Janet Jarvis
Martha Jimenez
Rob Johnson and Lary Lawson
William R. Johnston
Earle Jones
Lani Ka’ahumanu
Shoshanna Kaplinsky and Isobel Scher
Douglas & Rebecca Karlson
David Katzenstein, MD
Lisa Kelly
Kelly Family Fund of the Silicon Valley
Community Foundation
Jung J Kim
Richard Kirchner and Jacque Maxon
Eva Knodt and Terence Adams
Joseph Kral
Bruce Krempetz and Heather McAvoy
Debbie Krivoy and Jennifer Einhorn
Annie Burson Kyan
Karina Labrenz
Come Lague and Charlene Li
Jeanne Lance
Jo Lastec
Mary Lavigne-Butler and David Butler
Louise Lawson
Milford Leal
Arla and David LeCount
Linda Lee
Nellie and Paul Lee
David Lee and Cheryl Moser
Everett and Marilyn Leitzke
Teresa Leitzke
Brooke Leon
Patrick Letellier and George Collyer
Kathy Levinson and Naomi Fine
Frank Leykamm and Lois Dunn
Jane Lincoln
Jim and Donna Lindsay
Kristin Lindstrom and Teresa Kung
Kerry Lobel and Marta Drury, girls just wanna have funD
Nebbie Loon
Yao Lu
Jonell Lucas
Natalie Luera
Jimgran Luo
David Lustig and Jin Liang
Michael and Susan Lydon
Catherine and Robert Lyman
Margaret MacNiven
Rita Mancera and Jim Gust
Alexa Maremaa
Rosy Marcelo
Nancy Margulies and Gary Warhaftig
Doniga Markegard
Valerie Markham
Nancy Marks
Tom and Denise Marks
Rosario Marin
Ken Martin
Steven and Christine Martin
Marie and Michael Martin
Jerry and Donna Martin
Martin Martinez
Bob and Kathy Martinez
Mary Massih
Detlef and Cheryl Matthies
Jane Mauss
Bob and Molly McCahon
Deborah McCarthy
Amy McClellan and Jeffrey Faunce
William and Jane McClellan
Wendy and Jim McConachie
Joan McCormick and Karen Nyeland
Pam and Mike McDevitt
Greta McElroy-White and Mike White
Jack McKinnon
Mary McMillan
Carol and Arthur McPadden
Cristopher and Pamela McReynolds
Teresa Mejía
Greg Mendel
Luis Mendez
Kari Mendocino
Jose Luis Mendoza
Agustin Merino
Maria Irma Meza
Stajone Mialocq
Andrew Michael and Stephanie Ross
Chris, Marc and Abby Mihaly
Honora Miller
Sandy Miller
Bettina Mok
Janice Moody
Rachel Moody
Dr. John Moon
Hilary Morgan and Nobby Riedy
Leslie Moughty
George Mozingo
Kelly Munoz and Web Barton
Lois Murdoch
Marsha Murphy
McKenna Murphy
Janet B. Murphy
Roger and Mary Murray
Joseph and Jeanette Muzzi
Megan Myscotski
Margaret Neale and Alfred Lindahl
Kay Nelson
Karin Nelson
Regina Neu and Robert Thompson
Todd Newberry
Mary Newcombe
Stephanie and Jim Nisbet
Lela Noble
Billie Norman and Beverly Thames
Steven Oberstein
P. K. and Suzanne O’Brien
Jenni Olson and Julie Dorf
Elida Oettel
Kathleen and Mark Olson
Hazel Olson-Dorf
Julian and Willie Sue Orr
Fernando Ortega
Veronica Ortega
Ross Overstreet
John Owens
Eleanor Palacios
Linda Parnasssus
David and Mimi Pasternak
Nancy Patterson
Dennis Paull
Logan Payne
Payne Family Fund of The Silicon Valley
Community Foundation
Seren Pendleton-Knoll
Cleotilde and Adolpho Perez
Maya Perkins
Rosanna Petralia
Judy Pfeil
James and Jennifer Pfiester
Christine Pielenz and Bill Laven
Ana Polacek
Susan and Donald Polden
Hun-Ju Porter
Carol Prentice and Michael Rymer
Carol Preston
Judith Pruzinsky
Alma Pulido
Julie Raithel
Sarah Rarback
Nancy Raulston
Justin Rausa
Catherine Raye-Wong
Kathy Reavis and David Strohm
Bonnie Remsberg
Phillip and Rosemary Resch
Shirley Reusch Drye
Meredith and Jim Reynolds
David Rhodes
Daniel Rich and Abigail Dorosin
Maya Rich
David Richardson and Dan Neumann
Jack and Betsy Rix
Aron Roberts
Susan and James Roberts
Randy and Debra Robinson
Amaya Rodriguez
Andrea Rodriguez
Rebecca Rolfe
Kennedy Roni
Hilario Rosales
Sarah and Carl Rosendahl
Beth Ross
Anthony William Ross
Delores Rotterman
Kim and Jennifer Rowden
Gordon Russell
Linda Rutherford and Ron Welf
Brittany Rynes
Lesli Sachs-Williams and Eddie Williams
Ellen and Robert Sawyer Fund
Holly Scarabosio
Werner and Marisa Schaer
Rev. Ted and Lorraine Schapp
Kim and Philip Schiller
Mike Scott
Jane Grabowski Seifert
Sharon Shapiro
Ruth Shavel
Laura Shaw and Steve Van Zandt
Damaris and Forrest Shigley
Len Shustek and Donna Dubinsky
Andrea Sigetich
Ellen Silva
Steve Simms
Nina Simons
Hayley Skinner
Jamie Skinner
Rob and Cotton Skinner
Joy Sleizer
Elinor V. Smith
Glen So
Gael Solos and Gene Lebel
Jeneen Sommers
Springtide Fund of the Silicon Valley
Community Foundation
Dee St. Clair
Jean Stafford
Marina Stariha
Bob Stent
Glenn and Rita Stewart
Jan Stokley
Deanne Stone
Marnye Strand
Desiree Strauss
JoAnna Strawbridge
Nancy Struck
Alex Stuetz
Ellen Sweetin and Rev. Wendy Taylor
Eleanor Swent
Marilyn Tagatac
Olga Talamante
Pat and Rob Talbot
Carole Taylor
Kat Taylor and Tom Steyer
Kristin Teigen
Martina Tello
Kyrsten Tharson
Ken and Gail Thompson
Melanie Thornton
Ann and Greg Timm
Jason Titus
Tobi Forman Tonoian
Erin Tormey
Deborah Torres
Orlin and Onnalee Trapp Fund of the
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Larry Trujillo
Janet Trusso
Barbara and Franklin Turner
Guadalupe Valdés
Megan Van Gulin
Dianne Vantomme
Yesenia Vargas
Lynnette Vega
Irma Velasquez
Lizzie Velten
John Wade
Ruth Waldhauer
Karen Walker
Léonie Walker and Kate O’Hanlan
Marcia Walters and Ziji Scott
Steven Wang
Wendy Wardwell
Roger and Joan Warnke
Lisa Warns
Joann and Jerry Watkins
Justin Watkins
Shaelynn and Kevin Watt
Heather Weber
Deborah Webster and Hugo Vuong
Kathy Webster and Bill Milliot
Mary and James Weersing
Judy Weinhart
Albert and Susan Weihl
Philip and Marianne Weihl
Sarah Weihl
Sandy Weil
Richard P. Weiner and Susan Lubeck
Sandi Weinstein
Mrs. Mina Welker
Emily Wheeler
Mark Wheter
Ernie White
Amy Whitman Glaze
Chief Larry Whitney
Kristen Wiking
William S. Wilson
Nicole Wires
Bernice and Leonard Wolf
Warren Wolfeld
Adam and Jeanette Woodbury
Caroline Woods-Mejia
Amy Wooliever
Ellen Wright-Montgomery
Jacki Yahn Architects
Tim Yuen
Carol Young-Holt and David Sandage
Keith Young
Tanya Zavala
Aleks Zavaleta
Amanda Zeli
Beth Zemsky
Robyn Ziegler
Suzanne Abel for James W. Kennedy
Anonymous for Suzie Budrick
Anonymous for the Polacek Family
Anonymous for Sarah Weihl
Julie Batz for Kerry Lobel
Rachel Brodie for Gabe Singer
Kelly Bravo for Suzanne Hughes
Rea Carey for Kerry Lobel and her Mom
Jerry and Harriet Dorf for Hazel Dorf
Edith and Jonathan Eddy for Carol Young-Holt
Jean and John Fiske for Margaret Cross
Darcie and Greg Galle for the children of Pescadero Elementary School
Phaidra Garcia for the Garcia Family
Betsy Gressler for Kerry Lobel
Alan and Lori Haffner for Leonard and Thelma Rosen
Heather Irwin for Suzie Budrick
Karina Labrenz for Stephen R. Swisher
Amy McClellan and Jeffrey Faunce for Liz Chapman’s 50th birthday
William and Jane McClellan for Liz Chapman’s 50th birthday
Chris, Marc and Abby Mihaly for Sarah Weihl
James and Jennifer Pfiester for Liz Chapman’s 50th birthday
Julie Raithel for Suzanne Hughes
Marina Stariha for India and Ellia
Marnye Strand for Suzanne Hughes
Olga Talamante for her farmworker family
Marcia Walters and Ziji Scott for the Puente kids from Bindu
Albert and Susan Weihl for Sarah Weihl
Philip and Marianne Weihl for Sarah Weihl
Richard P. Weiner and Susan Lubeck for Hazel Olson
Carol Young-Holt and David Sandage for Kerry Lobel
Anonymous for Cesar Chavez
Anonymous for Melto Goumas, MD
Kathy Alberts and Garth Harwood for Ray Nelson
Grace Alexander for Fernando Rocha
Brenda Christensen & Tom Barry for Betty Krollpfeiffer
Paul Godwin for Todd Godwin
Frank Leykamm and Lois Dunn for Madeline and Frank Leykamm Sr.
Kerry Lobel for Martin Binion
Mary Newcombe for Jodi Curlee
Billie Norman and Beverly Thames for Robert Neal McMillan
Lesli Sachs-Williams and Eddie Williams for Carlos Patina
Wendy Wardwell for Ray Nelson
AgrAbility: Assisting farmers and ranchers with disabilities
Alpha Delta Kappa
American Red Cross Bay Area Chapter
Archbishop Riordan High School
Broadmoor Presbyterian Church
California Rural Legal Assistance, Inc.
Camp Butano Creek
Camp Glenwood
Catholic Worker of Half Moon Bay
Chicana Latina Foundation
Coastside Angels
Coastside Farmers Market
Coastside Hope
Coastside Hospitality
Coastside Jewish Community
Coastside Mother’s Club
Coastside Women’s Club
College Heights Church
Community Congregational
Church of Benicia
Community Legal Services of East Palo Alto
Congregational Church of Belmont
Congregational Church of San Mateo
Congregants of Stanford Memorial Church
Daly City Community Resource Center
Davenport Community Center
Earth Links
East Palo Alto Community Farmers’ Market
Ecology Center
El Concilio de San Mateo
Fair Oaks Community Resource Center
First Congregational Church of Berkeley
First Presbyterian Church of Palo Alto
Friends of Half Moon Bay LibraryFriends of Woodside Library
Global Exchange
Half Moon Bay City Hall
Half Moon Bay Library
Half Moon Bay RotaCare
Institute for Human and Social
International Institute of the Bay Area
Knitzvah, a program of
Jewish Family Services of Silicon Valley
La Honda Fire Brigade
Legal Aid Society of San Mateo
Mexican Consulate in San Francisco
Mira Vista United Church of Christ
Movimiento de Arte y Cultura Latino
Americana (MACLA)
New Spirit Community Church
North Peninsula Neighborhood
Service Center
Organizations and Transactions Clinic, Stanford Law School
Our Lady of the Pillar Catholic Church, Half Moon Bay
Overview Board for Justice and Witness Ministries, Neighbors in Need
Pacific School of Religion
Pacifica Community Television
Pacifica Resource Center
Peninsula Humane Society
Peninsula Metropolitan Community Church
Pescadero Community Church
Pie Ranch
Piecemakers by the Sea
Project Outlet
St. Andrews Presbyterian Church
St. Anthony’s Church of Pescadero
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory
Samaritan House
San Mateo County Bar Association
San Mateo County Food System Alliance
San Mateo County Library System
San Mateo County Resource
Conservation District
South Coast Citizens Corps Council (SC4)
SC4 Amateur Radio Club
Stanford Sun Research Center
Season of Sharing, San Francisco Chronicle
Second Harvest Food Bank of Santa Clara
and San Mateo Counties
Senior Coastsiders
Sonrisas Community Dental Clinic
South Coast Prevention Partnership
Trinity Presbyterian Church, San Carlos
UC Berkeley School of Public Health,
MPH Program
UTI Sacramento
Wilderness Torah
YMCA Camp Jones Gulch
Youth Leadership Institute
Atkinson Foundation
Avanti Foundation
Blue Oak Foundation
Cal Humanities
Council on Foundations
David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Organizational Effectiveness and After School
Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Program, United Way of Bay Area
Flora Family Foundation
The Grove Foundation
Healthy Earthworks
The J.M Kaplan Fund
Kauffman Foundation,
Matching Gift Program
Kaiser Permanente
Mills Peninsula Health Services
Orchard House Foundation
Pescadero Foundation
Philanthropic Ventures Foundation
San Francisco Foundation
Faiths Program and Safety Net Services
Schwab Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Disaster Preparedness Services
Safety Net Services
South Coast Rural Literacy Program
Sobrato Family Foundation
TomKat Foundation
Touchpoint Foundation
Union Bank Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
United Way of the Bay Area
Earn It! Keep It! Save It!
Impact Learning Circle
Verizon Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
Abbott Laboratories
Matching Gift Program
Adobe Matching Gifts Program
Addwater Farm
Alice’s Restaurant
At Your Non Profit’s Service
Argo Group Matching Gift Program
Blue House Farm
Blue Ocean Smokehouse
Brand Via Alliance
Cross the Divide
Damasco & Associates
Del Sur Farm
Donald McDermott Trucking
Duarte’s Tavern
Early Bird Ranch
Echo Valley Farm
Farm House Frosting
Fifth Crow Farm
Flir Systems Matching Gifts Program
Fly Girl Farm
Fogline Nursery
Coastside Chamber of Commerce
and Vistor’s Bureau
Half Moon Bay Patch, Kristine Wong
Harley Farms Dairy
Haynes, Beffel and Wolfield, LLP
Kidding Around With Chocolate
Left Coast Grass Fed
Markegard Family Grass-Fed
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
New Leaf Community Market
Peery and Associates
Pescadero Creek Inn Bed and Breakfast
Pescadero Country Store
Pescadero Foods, Inc.
Savvy Skirts
Sexton Arts LLC
Starbucks Coffee
Studio 4 Pilates
Taqueria de Amigos
Tunitas Creek Ranch
UPS Store 1604, Half Moon Bay
Weller/O’Brien Insurance Services
Wells Fargo Bank
California Farmers’ Market Consortium, California Department of Agriculture/ Roots of Change
California Fire Station #59, Pescadero
La Honda Elementary School
La Honda Pescadero Unified School District
Migrant Education Program,
Santa Clara Office of Education
Pescadero Elementary School
Pescadero Middle and High School
Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council
Sacramento State University
San Mateo County Commission on the Status of Women
San Mateo County Court
San Mateo County, Office of the County Manager
Department of Health, Housing and Human Services:Behavioral Health and Recovery
Services, Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention (Project Success and South Coast Prevention
Children’s Collaborative Action Team
Children’s Health Initiative
Community Development Block Grants (Safety Net Services)
Core Services Network (Safety Net Services)
Get Healthy San Mateo
San Mateo Medical Center
Seasonal Flu Clinics
Workforce Investment Act
San Mateo County Transit District: SamCoast