Puente Youth involved in Panther Camp

Mariela Lopez, Carina Amezcua, Ronnie Hodkingson, Hector Lopez, Omar Ortega, Jose Resendiz and Elizabeth Chavarin are supporting teachers and staff running the LHPUSD Panther Camp.

Some of the activities youth support are to play sports with the students, group or one on one tutoring focused on English and Math, supervise lunch and yard duty.





HomeSlice: Four Youth Staff are in an Internship at Pie Ranch

Cristian Martinez, Diana Lopez, Araceli Cruz and Bernardo Flores will be spending their summer at Pie Ranch learning about Agriculture and helping  at  the Ranch along with other Pie interns.

Puente’s Travel Club

The Travel Club is an activity to learn about other countries’ history, customs and food. This summer, youth will be able to join presentations of Italy, Greece and Bangladesh.

Rossana Petralia volunteered to help with the Italian Session focusing on the food of her home region Sicily. Rossana leaded the group to cook Pasta alla Norma and Salad.

Next week, David LeCount will present Greece and the group will go to  try Greek Food to a restaurant.