Carmen Babasa from the Health Plan of San Mateo will visit Puente on April 5, 2011 at 10:00 AM and describe health care plans offered to underserved communities and underinsured residents of San Mateo. The program will describe health programs, benefits and services and other resources. For more information, contact Lorena Vargas at 650.879.1691 ex 116.
Coastside Jewish Community Gives Shalach Manos (Gifts) for Puente
The Jewish holiday of Purim tells the story of Mordechai and Queen Esther and how they helped save the Jewish people from the hands of the wicked Haman. Purim is a day special friendship is shown to friends and where special gifts (Shalach Manos — gifts of charity) are given to those less fortunate. The Religious School at Coastside Jewish Community collected toys, books, toiletries and more for the children and farmworkers served by Puente and presented them to executive director, Kerry Lobel
Puente is accepting applications for Summer 2011 Youth Program
Click Here to download the full application.
If you would like a fillable word document please request it to Alejandra Resendiz at or (650) 879-1691.