Youth Staff teaches basic skills computer class

Three youth staff previously trained by Chicana Latina Foundation taught a Basic Computer Skills to adults today Feb 23 2011.

Adults learned about e-mail, internet and Microsoft Office Word in a two hours workshop.

More of this kind of training will take place to connect our community closer to this kind of technology..

Physical Activity Community Promoters

15 local women and men received a training on Sunday Feb 20 to become Promoters of Physical Activity. Zumba instructor and Health Promoter Coordinator, Vicky Avila presented basics of physical activity, nutrition and community work through a very interactive training.

The participants that took this training will start leading dancing steps during Puente’s zumba class this month to become co-instructors.

For more information on Vision y Compromiso please visit

Basic Computer Skills Class for Adults

Last Wednesday January 26th, Puente and the Chicana Latina Foundation gave a training on Basic Computer Skills to adults.

In this class, students learned:

* the components of a computer

* how to open and manage an e-mail account and,

* how to use the internet for daily activities such DMV, banking, etc.

The training was for adults and youth staff, that previously received a “Train the Trainer” version,  helped the adult students on one-on- one during the class.

Future trainings will be provided by Puente’s youth staff..