Local Youth receving Emergency Response training

Puente’s Youth Staff and volunteers are currently receiving the CERT Training by La Honda Fire Brigade staff.

CERT stands for Community Emergency Response Team and the training is to provide community members, the necessary skills to help in case of a disaster when professional emergency services are not enough to provide care for all or while they arrive.

22 local young boys and girls will complete four sessions of training and one drill.

This is Puente’s effort to have more local community members ready to help in the case of a disaster. In this case, all participants are bilingual (Spanish/English).

We deeply appreciate the support of La Honda Fire Brigade..

Puente honored at 12th Annual San Mateo County Birthday Celebration for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Puente was THE honored organization at the 12th Annual San Mateo County Birthday Celebration for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Two SamCoast buses filled with South Coast participants traveled to the San Mateo County CalTrain station where Puente director, Kerry Lobel, received a plaque in honor of Puente’s work. The group then traveled the Freedom Train to San Francisco where they participated in the annual parade to Yerba Buena Center.  To hear Lobel’s remarks, click here.

Puente supporters prepare to board the Freedom Train (Photo courtesy of Andrew Scheiner)


Artists shine at Nacimientos reception

More than 30 youth and adult artists shined at the Artists Reception for Proyecto Nacimientos/Navity Project last night. They were joined by 50 members of the community to view the artwork and celebrate the artists. A video that recounted the six-week long journey was displayed and each youth artist was presented with a certificate and their sketch book.

Check out the nacimiento video here and see the whole process and how it developed!!!!
