Pescadero family thrives despite mother’s eyesight loss

You could easily divide the lives of Yesenia Ramirez and her husband and children into the categories of “before” and “after” a moment four years ago.

Ramirez, a mother of four, was employed at a flower nursery on the San Mateo County coast.

“I was working in a place where it was really hot, 110 degrees all the time. I got a lot of headaches. It started in my right eye, and little by little, I started losing vision in my left eye, too,” she says.

The headaches were a serious warning sign. Ramirez had seen a doctor, who dismissed them as allergy-related and sent her home without painkillers. Ramirez noticed her pain would spike at work when she was applying pesticides to the plants in the nursery.

“I wore a breathing mask at work when we were spraying, but even when I used it I got headaches. They told us not to complain and just to do it,” she says.

Eventually, in 2011, the pain drove her to a hospital in Santa Cruz, where emergency room doctors found her eyes so inflamed the veins “were like tree branches,” she says.

From that day onward Ramirez became effectively blind, a result of Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease, a rare, lifelong disorder that results in eye inflammation and can only be treated with regular steroid injections. (Her doctor says her vision loss is due to her disorder, but that the heat and pesticides at work hastened her decline).

Several surgeries and procedures later, she has partially regained her eyesight. Her struggles have not only changed her life, they have transformed her family’s lives and inspired her to help other Latino community members to take control of their own access to quality health care.

An empowered mother takes control of her health

Ramirez and her husband have four children: Itzel, 16; Jose, 14: Jazmin, 13; and Daniel, 8. Puente staff members know the family well. Ramirez recently joined Puente staff as a part-time “promotora,” or community health worker – one of four local women who travel to local farms and ranches and connect people with health care services through Puente. When not in the field, she’s a regular in Puente programs. She loves to dance her heart out at Zumba twice a week and also attends ESL classes. And Itzel and Jose are veterans of Puente’s summer Youth Leadership and Development Program.

Itzel working at Camp Jones Gulch this summer through Puente's Youth Program.

Itzel working at Camp Jones Gulch this summer through Puente’s Youth Program.

But in 2011, Ramirez was blind and in pain. She ended up at Stanford Health Care, where doctors said they would treat her for $8,000. Her husband, a dishwasher in a restaurant, thought they should spend the money but Ramirez said no, they couldn’t afford it. “The pain after that was too much to handle. A doctor at Stanford told me he would treat me whether I had insurance or not,” she says.

Ramirez did have insurance through San Mateo County – a health plan for low-income participants called ACE, which she got after signing up through Puente. But using the insurance was complicated. “I had a lot of problems with the insurance at Stanford. I’d have to go to San Mateo for medications. They always made me wait. It took a long time or there weren’t any medications. They would tell me, ‘Why did you come here?’” recalls Ramirez.

San Mateo County Public Health Nurse Karen Hackett, who is stationed with Puente, stepped in to guide Ramirez through the tangle of bureaucracy. Puente also initially helped Ramirez schedule bus pickups to get to her appointments. “Karen Hackett showed me how to fight,” she says. “Almost everything I’ve learned, she showed me.”

But as her condition persisted, there were other problems. She had to have cataract surgery and an implant in her left eye to reduce the inflammation. She couldn’t work, and her husband also missed a lot of work because he was taking her to her appointments. With four children to feed and clothe, the family was in financial trouble.

“I came to Puente for help paying rent, and they gave me money to pay rent for two months,” Ramirez says.

At home, the family struggled to find normalcy. Ramirez couldn’t do much more than make sure her kids went off to school. She had plenty of help at home from local relatives, including her sister Evelia, but she disliked being homebound in pain and constantly asked family members to help her take walks. The elder children were asked to do housework and help watch their younger siblings. Itzel, the eldest, reacted with anger and rebelled whenever she could. She struggled at school, where her grades began to plummet.

“I was frustrated with the situation and with myself. I felt like I couldn’t really handle her state much longer. It was hard to watch,” she recalls.

Jose, her younger brother, also struggled with his anger and eventually saw a counselor at Puente to help him understand and manage his emotions. “It was cool talking to him about my problems, and how to solve them,” he says.

Slowly, after countless treatments, Ramirez began to see again. Reading and driving are still beyond her reach, but she started attending Zumba classes again and taking morning walks with her friends in the Pescadero walking group. And as they matured, her children noticed how their mother never seemed to complain about how much she had lost. In fact, she seemed to gain confidence, not lose it.

“I saw them stick needles in her eyes, really long needles. I was freaked out,” says Itzel. “But she took everything very well. It didn’t affect her at all.”

Itzel remembers hearing a doctor tell her mother that she would never be able to see again. “We got out of that appointment and she said, ‘What do they know? I’ll get my eyesight back.’ That’s when I realized how strong my mom was.”

Ramirez was further emboldened to take control of her own medical appointments.

“I used to wait for Karen to be around to tell her my eyes hurt. Now I just take care of it. When I have a problem, I call the emergency room and tell them someone has to see me. They tell me when to come in,” she says. She also books her own bus pick-ups now.

That sense of confidence moved Ramirez to apply for her position as a Puente promotora. Molly Wolfes is Puente’s Community Health Coordinator. She works closely with Ramirez, who uses her own story to help motivate other people to exercise their rights within the health system.

Yesenia, second from left, with the other promotoras at Puente's Fall Harvest Celebration.

Yesenia, second from left, with the other promotoras at Puente’s Fall Harvest Celebration.


“She has gone full circle in her health. She started out as someone who had to reach out to Puente for her health issues – and now she’s the one helping other people navigate through the health system,” says Wolfes. “It rings true because people know she’s worked hard to get where she is.”

On her first day out in the field, Wolfes remembers she and Ramirez met a father who said his daughter had a rash and needed to see a doctor. The father worked seven days a week and could not get time off from work to take her to an appointment over the hill.

“Yesenia turned to me and said, ‘Can I take her? I can go with her on the bus.’ It didn’t even occur to me that this could be an option,” says Wolfes.

Puente’s Executive Director Kerry Lobel remarks that “at Puente so often ‘just doing our job’ changes people’s lives. And changing lives is a remarkable and humbling thing—especially when participants in Puente programs then join our team and change our lives in return.”

Hope and transformation

Ramirez is now closer than ever with her children, who have banded together around their mother and her needs. “Physically and emotionally, she’s more connected to us now. I listen to her more. I try to obey her, to do everything she wants,” says Jose.

He and Itzel now barely fight at all. They go to Santa Cruz together and do laundry for their mom. Jose tidies the living room and carries heavy things around. Itzel babysits Daniel and prepares some meals, although she laughingly says most of her cooking is “really bad.”

“Before, when we came home, the house was clean and there would be a meal waiting for us. We were spoiled by our mom,” says Itzel. “Now she needs our help for stuff.”

Itzel has also transformed her academic performance at school. She now earns excellent grades and looks forward to applying to a four-year university – a scary but exciting prospect. She has joined every single sports team at Pescadero High School, including volleyball, basketball and soccer. She is also the only girl on the boys’ baseball team.

“I needed a challenge. Participating in sports got me through that little bit of anger I still had, so I could be home and ready to help my mom,” she says. “I’ve always played sports, but I’m more of a team player now.”

Jose works in the Puente office this past summer.

Jose works in the Puente office this past summer.

Jose says his sister has set an example for the whole family. “I look up to her because she takes everything on. She even plays baseball with the guys. And she gets all her work done, even if it takes her a long time. Which is something pretty cool about her.”

This holiday season, Ramirez and her family will celebrate what they have – love, strength, hope, and the support of their community. Ramirez doesn’t know whether her condition will improve or worsen. But she is determined to push herself as much as possible.

“I don’t like to think about this, because I know it’s forever – my whole life,” she says. “I try to do everything I can now, because after that I don’t know.”

People in our community have a lot of internal resources and resiliency, and sometimes they just need an extra hand. Your support makes it possible for Puente to empower families like Yesenia’s, providing resources, support, and skill building. Please consider a holiday donation today. Thank you!

Emergency phone number

In order to prepare for the impending rain, Puente has established a bilingual phone number for community members to call to get up to date information about flooding, weather and current conditions.

Call 650-879-2165 for up to date emergency information.

A Puente youth asks for help. It changes everything.

Some youth succeed due to their early circumstances. Others succeed in spite of them.

Odalys Nabor is 14. She lives in a rented trailer in a rural patch of Pescadero with her mother, stepfather, twin brother and 3-year-old sister; her brother often sleeps on a couch in the living room.

For Odalys, who struggles in school, getting homework done is an act of willpower. Home life can be so noisy and crowded that she sits under a tree to complete her assignments – it’s her quiet place. Her parents don’t speak English, so they can’t lend a hand when she needs it. Odalys also minds her younger sister for her parents, her mom works long hours at a flower nursery in Half Moon Bay.

When she started at Pescadero High School this September, Odalys knew she was in trouble. “It was hard at the beginning. I’m not really that good in English and I was placed in an intensive English class. Also I didn’t understand the work,” she says. Odalys is an intensely shy young woman when you meet her; petite and soft-spoken with a thick ponytail and serious eyes.

So Odalys went outside of her comfort zone this fall. She came to Puente and asked for help with her schoolwork. Puente has a network of volunteer tutors who work with youth for as long as they need the support. The relationship between student and tutor can make the difference between passing and failing in high school, and later, when choosing to pursue a college education.

“I just want to get good grades. I just want to improve,” says Odalys, quietly. “People at Puente say it’s not good to screw up in your first year, because it’s harder to get up on your feet after that.”

Odalys was paired with Kasey Butler, one of Puente’s volunteer tutors. In the span of just a few months, her grades in math and English have improved from Ds to Cs – a huge point of pride for Odalys.

But what really started making a difference is Odalys herself. Her perspective simply changed.

Rita Mancera traces that change back to this summer, which was the first time Odalys participated in Puente’s Youth Leadership and Development Program. “When she started this summer, she would not speak much,” says Mancera, Deputy Executive Director of Puente.

Odalys learned to use her voice, slowly, in working as an assistant to Abby Mohaupt, Puente’s Faith Community Liaison and Volunteer Coordinator. Odalys had tasks around the office that brought her into contact with the public: answering telephones, handing out flyers, staffing the front desk. She organized school supplies for Puente’s annual backpack distribution day, a major task. She was responsible and reliable, always showing up on time and ready to work, a skill that she continued to show after the summer program.

Odalys, far right, supervises at backpack and school supply day.

Odalys, far right, supervises at backpack and school supply day.

“I watched her become more assertive and want to find ways to push our program,” observes Mohaupt. She and Odalys bonded over the fact that they are both twins. As they got to know each other, Mohaupt discovered Odalys’ quiet sense of humor.

Later that summer, Mohaupt started taking Odalys to the Pescadero Grown! Farmers’ Market on Thursdays. They had a special mission: to walk around and talk with every single farmer. “I told her we were doing it so we could practice talking with strangers. She never liked it, but she did it anyway,” Mohaupt says.

The combination of encouragement and responsibility worked, because that summer, Odalys started applying herself more than ever. Each student enrolled in the Pescadero High School needs to read two books over the summer and complete book reports and vocabulary sheets. It’s meant to help students start the year with good grades in English, but many local Latino students find reading and writing very challenging and struggle to complete the assignment before school starts.

Odalys, who had poor grades in English, started reading and didn’t stop. Not only did she finish her assignment early, she was second out of the entire youth program cohort to do so.

Not only that, but by the end of the summer 22 out of 24 youth had completed their reading assignments. Shannon White, a high school teacher from Indiana and Omar Ortega spent every day working with the teens over the summer.

“Our youth are growing, and we get them at a time when they develop their character and we provide a space or them to grow in the most positive way,” says Mancera. “They’re at the age where they can choose. Almost every youth who works with us chooses the right path and they work hard at their school work.”

Odalys, far left, with some of the other participants in Puente's summer youth program.

Odalys, far left, with some of the other participants in Puente’s summer youth program.

Odalys now appears determined to build on her early traction, going straight to Puente after school to complete her schoolwork. She also works part time with Puente, providing childcare during evening ESL classes. She spends some of her earnings on school materials, like a tablet she bought to help her do her homework.

Mancera says she can tell Odalys will go to college. It all started with the act of asking for help: the instinct to succeed, in spite of life’s limitations.

“I think she’s absorbing it all in her quiet way. A lot of the youth leaders here, they’re so loud and extroverted. She’s less vocal but she’s just as much of a leader,” says Mancera.

Puente needs your support this winter as we raise funds for our Youth Leadership and Development Program. You can make a real difference in the live of youth like Odalys. Please click here to donate. Thank you!.