Puente’s superhero treasurer: Diane Chapman

When you meet Diane Chapman, chances are she’ll introduce herself as a retired accountant and leave it at that. The truth is, Puente’s current treasurer is a community pillar, an entrepreneur and an environmental activist who helped steward Puente’s finances at its inception, and she has been proud to watch it grow.

If she were a superhero, Chapman’s superpower would be to keep finances in check with a sweep of her pen. Fortunately she uses her powers for good, supporting the best causes for personal reasons. For years she oversaw finances for Jacobs Farm-Del Cabo, the pioneering organic tomato grower headquartered in Pescadero. She was a longtime treasurer for Pescadero Community Church, where she worships.

Seventeen years ago, the church welcomed a minister named Wendy Taylor who enjoyed greeting local farm workers in Spanish. Slowly, she got to know these men and came to understand how many basic necessities they lacked and how lonely their lives were. When Rev. Taylor proposed a church ministry called “Puente” to feed these workers, offer them bicycles, warm clothes and bedding, the church got behind her. Chapman especially: she did Puente’s accounting when it was in its infancy, right up until the organization became a nonprofit. She was there in the earliest days of La Sala, when Puente was volunteer-run, and she got to know the farm workers Rev. Taylor dubbed “the men alone.”

Today, Puente has more than 20 staff and recently concluded its most successful Silicon Valley Gives campaign to date, raising $140,000 for Puente’s youth employment programs. Chapman sometimes feels astonished when she walks into Puente’s offices and sees all the activity, in comparison with those earliest days. “It’s amazing when you think Puente started with $30,000. Now I can’t keep track of everyone,” she laughs. “So many people. And so many programs.”

Diane at Puentes 2014 Fall Harvest Celebration at Harley Farms.

Diane at Puentes 2014 Fall Harvest Celebration at Harley Farms.

Chapman rejoined Puente’s board of directors four years ago when she was asked to become a member of the finance committee, and then take over as treasurer. Puente Executive Director Kerry Lobel has her own description of Chapman. “She’s a force of nature. I really count on her for her perspective about how we’ve grown and changed. She’s also really managed to bring our financial efforts to a higher level.” Chapman is also a Puente donor, in addition to her volunteer hours checking Puente’s books.

Chapman and the finance committee are stewards of donors’ generosity and bring a layer of accountability to the organization. They have overseen a major growth period as Puente builds its financing infrastructure to accommodate new and expanded programs, such as Puente’s health clinic pilot project, Homework Club and preparations for DAPA, President Obama’s Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents program.

“Puente is in many ways the governmental agency for the South Coast,” says Chapman. “It keeps youth employed. And this health care thing, I’m so excited about it. It’s important for these services to be available to the people here.”

Chapman has lived in Pescadero for 35 years. She raised six kids with her second husband in a house near the coast, a property they also shared with a donkey, a horse, a pony, dogs and cats. She opened and closed three stores on the coast and still owns a gift shop in downtown Half Moon Bay called Pescadero II. She was chair of the Pescadero Community Council, a precursor to the Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council, which gives locals a voice at the county level.

Locals who care about the environment remember Chapman as the driving force behind a successful campaign to stop an outside sewer agency from spreading human sewage across thousands of farming acres near Lake Lucerne, a reservoir south of Pescadero. Chapman banded together with several other women (they called themselves the “Sludge Sisters”) and fought the plan all the way to Sacramento. “We were a pain in the tush,” she recalls with a laugh. “We talked to people all over, state officials and experts – it was quite exciting.”

Chapman has watched Pescadero grow its farming and nursery sector with an influx of migrants from Mexico and Central America, including many families with Spanish-speaking children who enrolled in the La Honda-Pescadero Unified School District. She has seen Stage Road, Pescadero’s main street, transform itself into a tourist attraction with upscale cafes and artisan shops. Thanks to Puente, there’s even a weekly summer farmers’ market.

Chapman has tried Puente’s Zumba classes, done the annual 5k Run/Walk (also known as the Veggie Run), and participated in Christmas Posada, which brings Latino and Caucasian residents together in song at Pescadero Community Church, birthplace of Puente.

Diane on a recent traveling adventure.

Diane on a recent traveling adventure.

Change can be unsettling. After her husband died, Chapman traveled to many continents and visited Spain twice to hike portions of El Camino de Santiago, a pilgrimage route for those seeking spiritual growth. Changes at Puente have heralded growth, and Puente’s finances are in very good hands thanks to the conscientious and vigilant work of Puente’s current treasurer.

Puente welcomes your donations! Please visit https://donatenow.networkforgood.org/puente

The happiest reader in Homework Club

As the sun set over Pescadero on a recent Tuesday, a dozen joyful children careened from the playground into the multi-purpose room at Pescadero Elementary School, where Puente holds its Homework Club. As they settled themselves on a carpet, two 10-year-olds opened a Dr. Seuss book and began to read aloud. “One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish,” intoned Andrea Lopez. She turned the book around to show the illustration to the group sitting at her feet before handing the book to her friend Mariela Cruz, who read the next page aloud and passed it back.

The younger children fidgeted but listened, laughing over some of the pictures and the wordplay in the book. The adults listened too. It was a classic Puente moment: learning and empowerment, combined.

The girls read effortlessly and gracefully, and one child in particular seemed transfixed, moving closer so she could see the illustrations. Perla Hernandez is a 6-year-old kindergartener, and just like all of the regular attenders of Homework Club, has improved her reading skills.

Last fall, Perla and her older sister Mairol started attending Puente’s newly revitalized Homework Club from 7-9 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The program gives one-on-one attention to students in preschool through eighth grade while their parents are next door in Puente’s classrooms, taking English as Second Language classes. It is meant to complement the La Honda-Pescadero Unified School District’s own well-organized K-8 after-school program, which includes about 88 students.

Mohaupt reads to some of the students in Homework Club

Mohaupt reads to some of the students in Homework Club at Pescadero Elementary School

When she first walked into Homework Club, Perla was 5 years old, and seemed to have some anxiety around reading.

“She would come to Homework Club and shut down,” recalls Rev. Abby Mohaupt, Puente’s Faith Community Liaison/Volunteer Coordinator, and one of the coordinators of Homework Club. “She wouldn’t talk to me. “We’d say, ‘Perla, do you want to read?’ And she would start to cry. We couldn’t figure out what was going on.”

Gently and patiently, two of Puente’s Homework Club reading partners, longtime volunteer Carol Young-Holt and Diana Lopez, began taking Perla aside to show her books and sit with her, as they do with most of the students who come to Homework Club. They began exploring letters and words together. Little by little, Perla started to enjoy the pictures and storylines. She learned her letters and began to sound them out. When she stumbled over a sentence, she wouldn’t cry. She kept trying.

Now Perla is so excited about being at Homework Club that she runs up to Mohaupt and throws her arms around her waist. Tonight the group is planting flower seeds in the pots they decorated last week, and Perla cries, “Where’s mine?”

Later, it’s time for everyone to break up into smaller groups to do their schoolwork, practice reading, or complete some math problems on DreamBox, a program loaded onto laptops that belong to the school district. Ivan Ortega, the 19-year-old who coordinates Homework Club with Mohaupt, is circling the table to work with students who ask him for help. “What’s 8 minus 1?” he coaches a young boy.

Students work on Dreambox with Ortega (second from right in back)

Students work on Dreambox with Ortega (second from right in back)

Perla sits down with Diana Lopez; together, they read a book about a character named Froggy. Perla’s favorite book is called ‘Mouse.’ “She’s basically memorized it and she wants to read it every time,” laughs Carol Young-Holt.

Homework Club has made a difference in the academic performance and behavioral attitudes of dozens of students. Now Puente would like to expand the potential for success stories like Perla’s with even more one-on-one reading attention. To do this, Puente needs to recruit more reading volunteers – especially during the after-school program, from 3 to 5 p.m. The school district and Puente have a shared goal to bring in more reading tutors after school, when kids are more awake and therefore more likely to benefit and the district underwrites a significant portion of the program’s costs.

“The more time we can get kids reading with adults, that’s great for them,” enthuses Pescadero Elementary School Principal Erica Hays. “It’s so enjoyable to work with the kids. And then you see the progress.”

Hays and Mohaupt hope to have the new volunteers in place starting next fall. “Right now, Homework Club is only open to students whose parents are in ESL, and we want to respond to students’ larger needs,” says Mohaupt. “Working with the elementary school and their after-school program means we can teach more kids.”

Homework Club includes enrichment-based activities, like art projects, science, and creative group activities, as well as basic language arts and mathematics.

Puente is also seeking donated Spanish-language books for young readers. So many of the students are bilingual, with experience reading books in both languages. Sometimes they only understand Spanish, so those books are their gateway to reading. “Being bilingual – that’s just such a leg up for them,” says Young-Holt.

Perla’s favorite moment so far might be the birthday surprise she got on Tuesday, when she mentioned that she had just turned 6. Mohaupt went out and bought Oreo cookies – Perla’s favorite – and dimmed the lights. The group belted out an enthusiastic ‘Happy Birthday,’ a ritual that the group looks forward to for each student’s birthday.

Perla shares some joy after a recent art project.

Perla shares some joy after a recent art project.

“Having fun?” Somebody asked. Perla nodded, her mouth too full of cookies to respond.

To volunteer as an after-school reader or to donate Spanish-language children’s books, please contact Abby Mohaupt at amohaupt@mypuente.org or call (650) 879-1691.​

Third Annual Veggie Run is coming!


Puente  is proud to host its third 5k Run/Walk on August 15, 2015.

It costs just $15 ($12 if you sign up before August 1) to join and benefits Puente and its work to promote health and wellness throughout the South Coast.

Take in a beautiful walk or run through eucalyptus trees and alongside farms while supporting the essential services for local men, women, kids and families —  our friends and neighbors who need it most.

To register, visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/third-annual-puente-5k-fun-runwalk-tickets-16706472509. To volunteer at the event, contact Abby Mohaupt, Volunteer Coordinator, at amohaupt@mypuente.org