Puente will charge a sliding scale fee for processing application for DAPA, a requirement of its BIA agency status.
Puente is soliciting donations to help keep processing costs for DAPA affordable. To donate, please contact Puente’s Deputy Executive Director Rita Mancera at (650) 879-1691 x102 or email rmancera@mypuente.org.
Puente is proud to host its third 5k Run/Walk on August 15, 2015.
It costs just $15 ($12 if you sign up before August 1) to join and benefits Puente and its work to promote health and wellness throughout the South Coast.
Take in a beautiful walk or run through eucalyptus trees and alongside farms while supporting the essential services for local men, women, kids and families — our friends and neighbors who need it most.
To register, visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/third-annual-puente-5k-fun-runwalk-tickets-16706472509. To volunteer at the event, contact Abby Mohaupt, Volunteer Coordinator, at amohaupt@mypuente.org