ESL for women party

Yesterday marked the last day of the ESL for women program until January. The women had a party in celebration of their hard work and dedication in learning a new language. Everyone brought a dish from tostadas, pies, and fruit. The students received their certificate of completion. There are two levels in the ESL department level 1 beginners class that was taught by Isabel G. one of the youth workers and Martina who taught the level one class on thursdays. Level 2 the advanced class was taught by Rachel M..

2010 Youth Posada

Last night Puente had a Youth Posada for its youth workers and volunteers. They celebrated the evening with pizza, cake and many other delightful treats. Everyone was excited and couldn’t of been happier once they each received their holiday stockings. Puente is proud to have a thriving youth staff and hopes for the best in the coming year.


C. Edwin Baker Youth Bridges Award

Puente is proud to announce the C. Edwin Baker Youth Bridges Award, named after C. Edwin “Ed” Baker. Ed, a University of Pennsylvania law professor, was known as one of the nation’s foremost constitutional legal scholars. Ed was a man who walked his talk and stood up for liberty, equality and justice. He was a scholar and a man who lived simply because he believed that luxury dulled our understanding of the world’s inequities and injustices. 

Raised in the small town of Madisonville, Kentucky, Ed graduated from Stanford University, Yale Law School, and was a Fellow at Harvard on three separate occasions. For most of his adult life, Ed was a law professor, including the last 28 years as a professor of law at the University of Pennsylvania.

Unfortunately, Ed died suddenly in 2009, at the age of 62. He left the bulk of his estate to charities. A committee selected by Ed before his death selected Puente to receive $5,000. This  gift was made in honor of Puente development director, Tricia Dell.

A portion of the gift, $1,000, has been designated to initiate the C. Edwin Baker Youth Bridges Award. Each year Puente awards scholarships to youth that have worked at Puente during their tenure at Pescadero High School.

All contributions to the Youth Bridges Award are welcome.

Ed (C.Edwin) Baker
