Zumba and Step classes a fun way to stay fit and meet new people

Every Tuesday and Thursday from 6 to 7 pm a very energetic group meets for a Zumba class.

Since February last year, Puente has been offering Zumba and Aerobic Step classes twice a week. We invite people to come and try it out. This is a really fun way to stay fit, learn and practice some latino dance steps and meet new people!

Classes are held at the Pescadero Elementary School and are free of charge.

Instructors for this class are provided by Vision y Compromiso, a Non-Profit organization based in Redwood City.

Other support for this program is provided by Bella Vista Foundation..

Puente and County Health System Offer Free Vaccines on November 22, 2010

Flu season is here and health officials are encouraging everyone ages 6 months and older to get vaccinated.
Puente and the San Mateo County Health System are offering the seasonal flu vaccine as well as Tdap (Tetanus, diphtheria, and Pertussis) and the Pneumococcal Vaccination (pneumonia for those 65 and older) in La Honda and Pescadero on Monday, November 22, 2010.
No appointment is needed, and no I.D. is required. The vaccines are free.
La Honda Post Office
8865 La Honda Road
2:00-6:00 pm
Pescadero Community Church
363 Stage Road
3:00 – 8:00 pm.

Local children at their 2nd Meeting of Nativity Scene Art Project

Local children met again this past Sunday Nov. 7th with artists Logan Payne, Nancy Quicker and Lou Heine to continue working on the Nativity/Nacimientos Project to be on display at Pescadero Community Church during the Posadas Navidenas.

Here some insights from Logan:
“I am so happy with the project so far. The aides are terrific…All of the kids concentrated for almost 1 1/2 hours on making stars from clay last Sunday. I thought they might rush through the project but they didn’t. They stayed with it and came up with creative variations.
We have two very talented artists working with the children. Lou Heine was in charge of the stars, and Nancy Quickert will be making clay pots with the children this Sunday. The women decided to help each other, so we have both artists coming on two Sundays. Incredible generosity.”

Funds for this program are provided by the San Francisco Foundation.
