Eighth grader steps up to the plate for Puente

Fourteen-year-old Brendan Callagy has always had plenty of toys, sports equipment, and warm clothes. That’s largely because he’s one of five siblings who share everything. His fellow students at St. Gregory’s Catholic School, in San Mateo, also have everything they could want. That’s part of the reason Callagy was determined to start a sports equipment drive on behalf of South Coast children.

Brendan Callagy and his siblings.  photo by Laura Callagy

Brendan Callagy and his siblings.
photo by Laura Callagy

“My parents taught me to be nice to people and always include everyone. I thought helping people would be the right thing to do, instead of just saying you would,” said Callagy, who is soft-spoken and laconic and sits on the student council at his school.

In August, Callagy and his mother (who run marathons together) participated in Puente’s 5k Fun Run. They enjoyed their jogging tour of Pescadero and learned about the community from Mary McMillan, a family friend who serves on the Board of Directors at Puente. Afterwards he went to see his school principal to propose a donation drive.

“I said, ‘Go for it. The school stands behind you,’” recalls Principal Tom Dooher. “He felt very strongly that kids should be able to play. If they didn’t have what they need to play, how would they learn?”

Callagy lugged a bin into the hallway at St. Gregory’s and let his fellow students know about the drive and about Puente. Soon it was full of hockey sticks, basketballs, volleyballs, and baseballs – even skateboards. All in all, more than 200 sports items ended up at Pescadero High. He and his family went into their own garage and harvested several years’ worth of lightly used equipment. It felt good.

“There was this bat I donated, my favorite bat then I was younger. I was hoping another kid could use it – hit lots of good hardballs.”

David Meyrovich, Athletic Director for Pescadero Middle/High School, says he opened one duffel bag from Callagy and found 30 baseball gloves – enough to start a Little League in Pescadero.

“This kid provided so much that it took us a while to go through t all. It was really touching actually,” says Meyrovich. “There’s a lot of athletic shoes there too, even little ones, so I can see some elementary kids using them, too.”

According to LHPUSD Superintendent Amy Wooliever, “the equipment that Brendan has collected will be put to good use in the school athletic program as well as our new elementary program which pairs our PE teacher with an athletic coach to teach team sport skills to our younger students. Pescadero children do not have access to the organized sports programs that other larger communities support. This new LHPUSD class, combined with the equipment,  will help students build skills and confidence, often barriers to fully participating in sports in middle and high schools.”

Emboldened by the sports drive, Callagy turned right around and started a second donation drive on behalf of the Puente community.

“Brendan says, ‘What about sweatshirts? The workers come in from the fields and they’re cold and wet, and they have nothing to change into,” remembers Dooher.

This time, students were primed. In November, they donated 110 sweatshirts – enough for the men of La Sala to take two or three each.

But Callagy, remarkably, still wasn’t done. Just before Christmastime, he learned about Puente’s annual holiday effort to collect stocking stuffers for the littlest children on the South Coast. So he put the word out for donations of Hot Wheels and socks. His fellow students obliged, and he soon sent Mary McMillan back to Puente with 100 of each.


Brendan Callagy (left) with another student, Mary McMillan, and  Principal Tom Dooher. Photo by Laura Callagy

Brendan Callagy (left) with another student, Mary McMillan, and Principal Tom Dooher. Photo by Laura Callagy

Principal Dooher says St. Gregory’s has a long tradition of community service – all students spend time distributing food with the school’s local chapter of St. Vincent de Paul. Eighth graders take a field trip to Glide Memorial Church and work in the soup kitchen. But the school is especially proud of students who perform independent good works and set an example for the rest of the student community.

“These kids don’t suffer. So seeing kids who do with a whole lot less than they have is very instructive,” says Dooher, who hopes to form a long-term relationship with Puente and possibly spearhead an 8th grade field trip to Pescadero.

Callagy would like that. He wants to go see a game at Pescadero High and meet the kids who are using his old baseball bat and all that other sports equipment. “We’re so close by. I want to see how they’re liking it,” he says.

Puente news, weekly: A note from Kerry Lobel

Puente’s newsletter marks its third anniversary this spring. Over the years, we’ve used this newsletter to share the stories of our South Coast community – stories that move and inspire us, and which reflect the resilience and diversity of this extraordinary place we call home. We are proud to show how Puente’s programs have helped sustain an ever-higher quality of life for the South Coast’s most vulnerable residents.

Puente and our community has continued to grow over the last three years. Four years ago, Puente gave college scholarships to Barbara Guzman and Mariela Lopez, two local students who were employed by Puente’s Summer Youth Program. Now they are the first Puente youth to graduate from four-year colleges – a full-circle moment for us.

Two years ago, Puente’s first-ever South Coast community health care survey turned up major disparities for people who have been excluded from the health care system. Today, Puente is building on the success of our Health Fair and field vaccine campaign by welcoming on-site health providers who will treat locals on a regular basis.

This week, we’re launching our new, redesigned weekly newsletter. Every Monday,  you’ll get a fresh take on South Coast stories in the words of people who live here and define this community – farmers and farm workers, mothers and fathers, students and caring mentors. And of course, you’ll be kept in the loop on the latest Puente events and volunteer opportunities.

I’m excited that this new format will allow us to highlight the timely news and needs of our community. These changes also come as a prelude to an overall website redesign, coming later this spring.

As always, if you like what you read, spread the good word about Puente. And don’t forget to find us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for regular updates.

Here’s to lots of good news in 2015!

Newly licensed drivers take to roads with pride

Jorge Jimenez (all names have been changed) got his driver’s license on January 2. When he showed his 15-year-old son, Oscar, that he had aced his DMV test, the look on his boy’s face made all the studying and stress worth the effort.

Jorge (name has been changed) with his new California Driver License

Jorge (name has been changed) with his new California Driver License

“He was one of the first people to congratulate me. It’s a very special experience when your son is proud of you,” says Jimenez, a 40-year-old farm worker with a bright grin and a strong handshake.

Of course, like hundreds of thousands of other undocumented Californians, Jorge and his wife Celia have in actuality been driving for decades. The Pescadero couple own a Toyota and a Ford Expedition, and they use them to drive to work, to ferry their three kids around town, and for family trips to Santa Cruz for groceries. You can’t get around the South Coast without a car. But a legal license only became an option on January 1, 2015, when a new law, AB60, came into effect. Jimenez was not only the first Puente driving student to pass his test, he was one of the first in the state.

Thousands have followed, crowding DMV locations and making test-taking appointments harder to get as a result. More than 1.4 million California residents are expected to apply in the next three years. “I tell people, don’t let this pass you by,” Jimenez says.

Puente started preparing participants all the way back in August with a free workshop on AB60. DMV workers and the local Sheriff came out to answer questions about what papers would be needed to apply. Puente passed out driving manuals and told people to start studying. A few months later, Ben Ranz, Puente’s Community Outreach Coordinator, began offering classes on the rules of the road based on the DMV driver’s manual to help people pass the written test. And when participants decide they are ready to take their tests, Puente helps them book their DMV appointments.

Marco Negrete, Mexican Consulate San Francisco

Marco Negrete, from the Mexican Consulate in San Francisco, spoke at Puente’s driver license event. (Photo courtesy of Half Moon Bay Review)

So far 126 local residents have participated in Puente’s AB60 program in some capacity, which is a substantial portion of the local undocumented population. Of the 126, 50 are women. To date, six people have passed the written exam and four of them have gone on to pass the behind the wheel test to get their license. Jimenez, of course, was the first.

“This is a huge step for people to start coming out of the shadows. It’s so hard for me to imagine worrying about a cop being behind me every time I get in the car. If I were in their shoes, I would be too stressed out to drive,” says Ranz.

This year, having a driver’s license will help ease stress in other parts of the lives of many in our community. Starting in May, undocumented parents of young U.S. citizens (or permanent residents) will be able to apply for a work permit under Deferred Action for Parental Accountability (DAPA), a federal program announced late last year. In many cases, the forms of ID Puente helped them obtain in order to apply for their driver’s license will be used for their DAPA applications as well.

Jimenez pulls his new license out of his battered black wallet. It is carefully protected in two layers of plastic. Ironically, Jimenez already had a California driver’s license, one he obtained nearly 20 years ago. But in 1993, California Governor Pete Wilson signed a law forcing license holders to prove their legal status, which resulted in a moratorium on licenses for people like Jimenez.

The move had profound effect on people’s livelihoods, says Jimenez.

“A lot of us that had licenses lost our jobs. We couldn’t do what we could do before. We had to find other work.” Jimenez used to drive a van to transport his fellow farm workers from barracks to field. Today he drives a tractor, picking onion leeks.

Now his wife and eldest son spend their evenings studying the driver’s manual together at the kitchen table. Oscar is still learning the rules of the road. Sometimes, when it’s safe, Jimenez will let Oscar get behind the wheel to practice, like a normal 15-year-old boy.

“He’s excited to drive. But I tell him, the most important thing isn’t obtaining your license. It’s keeping it,” he says.

That goes for Jimenez as well. He is hoping no lawmaker will ever force him to give up his license again.