b'Promoting Childrens Development RemotelyPuentes Early Childhood Education (ECE) programs improve the cognitive and social development of young children and minimize gaps in school readiness. When the COVID-19 pandemic shut down Puentes Sueos Unidos (United Dreams) childcare co-op in mid-March, the Early Childhood Education Team knew they needed to adapt and put into action a plan focused on supporting the co-op families and children.Puentes Lead Teacher, Elvia Morales, contacted the eight co-op families to set up a time for weekly check-ins. Morales created a mini classroom in her apartment with story books, her guitar, and a dry-erase board. Every week, Morales spends more than an hour on the phone or on FaceTime with each co-op family: she talks, laughs, and reads to the children. Its nice to see the children, even through the phone. They are happy to see me, and theyTeacher Elvia Morales does a weekly online story wave. Its something they love, and I love ittime for the children.La maestra Elvia Morales hace una hora de cuentos too, to continue with our relationship, saysen lnea para los nios cada semana.Morales. In addition, Morales posts a weekly video where she reads books alternating in English and Spanish andSince mid-March, Teacher sings songs. Morales has provided The Early Childhood Education Team also272direct contact hoursevaluated each childs developmentalfor our co-op families. progression using the Ages & Stages Questionnaires, which assessed their social and emotional development and small andClosing the co-op was also a huge loss for large motor skills, and showed very positivethe parentsmany of whom are essential results. We are surprised at how resilientworkers themselves. The parents are the they are under these challenging circum- ones that need support because their stances, said Morales. To further thechildren are the ones who are going to childrens development, Puente sent homeabsorb the stress in their environments, kits that contained hands-on materials thatsaid Morales. Thats why her weekly support the development of fine motorcheck-ins with parents touch on their own skills, reading, and social emotional skills. personal struggles, how they are coping, and where Puente can provide support.28'