A day in the fields | Un día en el campo


With today marking the firs day of Farmworker Awareness Week, we wanted to share these beautiful photos (see more by clicking here) of some Puente’s participants while on the job harvesting Brussels sprouts. More people are asking about where their food comes from and we on the South Coast see the face of agriculture every day. Awareness is increasing regarding the hardships faced by many farmworkers from poor wages and living facilities, to severe related health problems and everything in between. Puente’s Community Outreach Coordinator, Ben, makes weekly visits to many ranches and nurseries, disseminating information regarding Puente’s programs and other opportunities that might help improve their situations. Building trust and developing face-to-face relationships helps these men stay informed and feel more empowered to use our services. Puente has proudly and uniquely provided care and services to farmworkers and their families for the last 15 years- from welcome bags to bicycles, to educational and GED programs and more- and will continue to be a voice for this important and underserved group that helps put good food on our tables every day.
Photo Credits: Ben Ranz

Hoy como el primer día de la semana nacional de los campesinos, queremos compartir estas fotos hermosas (para más fotos, pongan clíc aquí) de algunos participantes de Puente durante el trabajo de cosechar coles de Bruselas. Más personas se están preguntando de dónde viene su comida y particularmente en la Costa Sur vemos la cara de la agricultura cada día. La conciencia está aumentando con respecto a las dificultades que enfrentan muchos campesinos- bajos salarios y donde viven, graves problemas relacionados con la salud, y mucho más. Un empleo de Puente, Ben, realiza visitas semanales a muchos ranchos y los viveros para dar información sobre los programas de Puente y otras oportunidades que pueden ayudar a mejorar sus situaciones. Generar la confianza y desarrollar relaciones cara a cara ayuda a estos hombres mantenerse informado y se sienten más capacitados para utilizar nuestros servicios. Puente únicamente y con orgullo proporcionaba atención y servicios a los campesinos y sus familias durante los últimos 15 años- desde bolsas de bienvenida, a las bicicletas, a los programas educativos y de GED y más- y seguirá siendo una voz para este grupo importante y desatendidas que ayuda a poner comida buena en nuestras mesas todos los días.
Fotos: Ben Ranz


Safety First!

A county program is helping families keep their young children safe every day. San Mateo County provides free car seats, education, and help with proper installation for low-income families of need. On the South Coast, families can express their need to our Safety Net Services Manager, Lorena, who then contacts Patrice Christensen, the Injury Prevention Program Coordinator. Sheriff Jose Curincita then comes down to Pescadero with the car seat and helps to install it safely. All recipients are simply required to watch an educational safety video. Last week, Puente participant, Yolanda, went through the process for her third child who will soon be born and, in the meantime, learned that the car seat she was using for her 4-year-old daughter was not secure. Thanks to our partners at the county, though, Yolanda’s family and many others can now travel safely knowing their kids will be protected.


Housing Request

Puente is seeking free housing in Pescadero for our new intern Matthew Thompson from the beginning of April to the middle of May. He will provide his own food and transportation.

Matthew is a junior at Tufts University in Massachusetts, majoring in Latin American Studies. He will intern with Puente to help with our education and youth programs before he returns to Tufts in the fall. He has recently returned from the Dominican Republic and is bilingual.

For more information or to volunteer space for Matthew, please contact Rita Mancera (rmancera@mypuente.org).