Puente is Hiring: South Coast Community Health Manager

South Coast Community Health Manager


The South Coast Community Health Manager leads efforts to organize a sustainable healthcare hub on the South Coast by coordinating resources from San Mateo County, Stanford Medical Center, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford, and other interested hospitals, clinics, and medical personnel; coordinates care between many health systems/clinics that serve the South Coast region; coordinates care by streamlining and improving operations, communication and information exchange; and develops and maintains cooperative working relationships with agencies and organizations interested in public health care on the South Coast.


Responsibilities include the following:

  • Collaborate with health specialists and civic groups to determine community health needs and the availability of services, and develop goals for meeting needs
  • Lead efforts to organize a sustainable healthcare hub on the South Coast by coordinating resources from San Mateo County, Stanford Medical Center, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford, and other interested hospitals, clinics, and medical personnel
  • Coordinate care between many health systems/clinics that serve the South Coast region by streamlining and improving operations, communication and information exchange
  • Oversee, with Program Director, health grants including tracking goals, preparing reports and tracking statistical information and data entry
  • Supervise and train occasional health interns and work with education team to develop summer internships for local youth interested in health related careers
  • Develop and maintain cooperative working relationships with agencies and organizations interested in public health care on the South Coast
  • Develop operational plans and policies necessary to achieve health education objectives and services
  • Partner, as appropriate, with health-related programs in the region to coordinate and organize health prevention programming in such areas as nutrition; disease self -management groups (workplace health, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, repetitive stress injuries); First Aid; exercise programs such as Zumba; family health (infant health, young child health, teen health, family planning, dental care and eye care); substance abuse prevention; and stress management
  • Seek out and coordinate screening activities provided by the San Mateo County Health System or other organizations (flu, Tdap, TB, hypertension, diabetes, vision, hearing, dental, lead)
  • Recruit, train and manage a team of community health workers
  • Develop and present health education and promotion programs, such as training workshops, conferences, and school or community presentations such as Backpack Distribution, Día de los Niños, ESL Graduation, etc.


  • Extensive experience with identifying and coordinating healthcare needs and leveraging resources to create sustainable healthcare programs
  • Ability to communicate fluently in English and Spanish, both orally and written, and work with monolingual Spanish speaking members
  • Cultural competency to work with residents from diverse backgrounds across boundaries of class, race, and inequality issues
  • Demonstrated cultural sensitivity and commitment to advocacy for cultural diversity
  • Understand family and cultural values for different ethnic groups
  • Experience working in a rural community
  • Work well with people in various community, institutional, and governmental organizations
  • Available to work evenings and weekends, as needed
  • Ability to work independently and manage multiple priorities and projects outlined in various work plans
  • Ability to establish and maintain effective and cordial relationships with local and state agencies, growers, other employees, and program participants
  • Work well in a team-oriented environment and maintain harmonious relationships
  • Strong skills in basic computer and software operation (Windows, Microsoft Office, internet navigation, etc.)
  • Able to work and carry out instructions independently
  • Adapt easily to new protocols and changing environments
  • Reliable transportation, driver’s license and insurance, and a willingness to travel
  • Minimum Education: Bachelor’s degree in related field and/or equivalent experience
  • Excellent group facilitation skills
  • Experience and ability to do campaign research and ability to popularize information
  • Work well collaboratively in a team-oriented environment
  • Ability to work independently and manage multiple priorities in a fast-paced, deadline-driven environment
  • Must be flexible and able to work in a versatile environment
  • Commitment to developing local leaders
  • Knowledge of the South Coast and/or have worked with similar demographics


Salary to be negotiated depending on qualifications and experience. This is a full-time exempt position with good benefits package including health, dental, life and disability insurance, and retirement account.

To Apply:

Send cover letter outlining interest in the position and resume to Rita Mancera, Puente, PO Box 554, Pescadero CA 94060 or via email to rmancera@mypuente.org   

About Puente (Pescadero, California)

Since 1998, Puente de la Costa Sur (Puente) has worked to build a healthy, sustainable and inclusive South Coast Community. Its mission is to provide vital services for men, women, children and families living in the rural San Mateo South Coast communities of Pescadero, La Honda, Loma Mar, and San Gregorio, primarily farmworker and their families. Puente provides a single point of entry for men, women, and children to safety net services, health and wellness services, leadership development, and opportunities for community engagement and action. For more information, visit us at www.mypuente.org.

Download PDF job description here.

Puente is hiring: Development Director


Puente de la Costa Sur (Puente) seeks an enthusiastic, team-oriented, experienced fundraising professional to join our team as Development Director. The ideal candidate will possess excellent organizational, project management, interpersonal, oral and written communication skills and be entrepreneurial. The Development Director is responsible for leading Puente’s fundraising programs but will focus on building a robust major and individual gifts programs.

Key responsibilities

  • Plan, implement and manage major donor fundraising strategies and programs
  • Identify, recruit and cultivate new major donors and foundation donors
  • Steward current individual, major donors and foundation donors
  • Create a culture of storytelling to communicate Puente successes in ways that grab our donor’s hearts. Collect, write, and publish these stories.
  • Engage board, staff, and volunteers in fundraising
  • Oversee donor database and keep administrative records

Job duties include but are not limited to:

Strategic Planning and Management

  • Develop and implement a comprehensive fundraising plan with an emphasis on major donors that includes every stage of the fundraising cycle (identify, cultivate, solicit, steward, recognize, and evaluate) to ensure that the Puente meets its annual financial goals and develops a strong financial base for the future
  • Oversee and prioritize development department campaigns, activities and initiatives, meetings and fundraising calendar
  • Prepare annual fundraising goals for major donors, grassroots fundraising, and foundation grants in collaboration with the Executive Director
  • Identify and cultivate new funding opportunities and develop relationships with individuals, foundations, government and other institutional representatives
  • Support the ED and other lead staff to align specific fundraising strategies with program and organizational priorities
  • Use data to analyze results, inform planning, and report to donors about all aspects of


  • Write and review fundraising materials, including grant proposals and reports to corporate, foundation, and government funders, donor letters, newsletters, fund development project descriptions, marketing materials, stories, case statements, and campaign-strategy documents, as needed
  • Initiate and coordinate major-donor appreciation events and annual thank you gifts.

Development Administration

  • Produce reports to communicate gift results in a timely manner
  • Manage timely response to gifts as well as donor invitations to important Puente events
  • Manage the Fund Development Associate

Performance expectations

  • Plan and implement fundraising programs and activities in a timely manner
  • Translate broad goals into achievable steps
  • Establish strong and appropriate relationships with Executive Director, staff, governing board, volunteers, donors and the general community.
  • Develop constructive relationships with people from all segments of the community
  • Demonstrate initiative and work as a team player
  • Adhere to the highest ethical standards in management, governance, and fund development
  • Demonstrate commitment to continued professional growth and development

Candidate Qualifications

  • Proven track record of achieving revenue goals of over $1M annually
  • Proven experience in building fundraising infrastructure to serve organizational goals and objectives
  • At least 5 years of experience leading multi-faceted development programs
  • Proven experience in building a comprehensive individual donor program, including major gifts, grassroots fundraising, and managing and supporting staff and volunteer fundraisers
  • Ability to prepare effective, compelling messages and stories for prospects and donors, including the use of electronic communications.
  • Demonstrated ability in securing foundation grants and other institutional support, including prospect research, cultivation and writing and reviewing grant proposals
  • A strong team player with the ability to take and give direction
  • Motivation, discipline, flexibility, discretion, attention to detail, willingness to learn, and a sense of humor
  • Ability to build strong professional relationships with donors and prospective donors, organizational members, board and staff
  • Experience with managing volunteers and interns
  • Demonstrated ability to juggle multiple projects and priorities and to work both independently and collaboratively and stay on task with deadline-critical projects as well as manage others to stay on deadline.
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills, including ability to write, speak and tell stories persuasively.
  • Knowledge of Word, Excel, Donor Perfect (or other fundraising databases), Network for Good, WordPress and Mail Chimp
  • Commitment to Puente’s mission, vision and values
  • Desire to work in an environment that is diverse, fast-paced and community-driven
  • Ability to attend some night and weekend meetings and events
  • Spanish language literacy and fluency in reading and writing, a plus

To Apply:

Puente offers a competitive salary and benefits package. Please e-mail applications to Rita Mancera, Executive Director at rmancera@mypuente.org.

About Puente (Pescadero, California)

Since 1998, Puente de la Costa Sur (Puente) has worked to build a healthy, sustainable and inclusive South Coast Community. Its mission is to provide vital services for men, women, children and families living in the rural San Mateo South Coast communities of Pescadero, La Honda, Loma Mar, and San Gregorio, primarily farmworker and their families. Puente provides a single point of entry for men, women, and children to safety net services, health and wellness services, leadership development, and opportunities for community engagement and action. For more information, visit us at www.mypuente.org.

Download PDF job description here.

Today is a good time to give – Today someone needs your help

Rita Mancera, Executive Director, Puente

By the time the sun goes up in the morning, a farmworker in Pescadero has already been up for a couple hours getting ready for his daily shift. He came to the United States because the living conditions in his hometown in the state of Oaxaca were tough. He comes from a small town where he used to work the same number of hours for $4.55 dollars a day! Crossing the border with his family and finding any job on this side of the border seemed to be their only chance for a better future.

His wife is up too. Together they prepare their lunch for the day and wake up their children so they can drop them off with a baby sitter who will get them to the school bus later that morning.

Teresa and Alejandro, like many of the farmworkers on the South Coast and the rest of California and other agricultural towns in the United States, work very hard under all kinds of conditions – heat and cold the same. They are people of good character who take care of themselves and take care of their parents who still live in Mexico, whom they have not seen in the past 16 years.

I have talked to Teresa many times about her crossing, about her fears and, I always add, about her bravery. She is a very caring mother with a daughter graduating this year from high school and a son in elementary school. She works in a nursery during the day and comes to English classes in the evening. She attends parenting classes and other workshops and stays involved in school and the community at large, volunteering for community events occasionally.

Teresa and Alejandro’s future is the most uncertain time they have faced. They fear being separated from their children suddenly without warning. The first time we talked about this after the results of the recent election they wanted to know whether they should leave or stay. They have decided to stay and see if the new administration will indeed send them back to Mexico or if they can continue their life here.

This farmworking family has decided to stay partially because they have caring friends, neighbors, and employers. They have Puente who will always fight to keep them safe, strong, healthy and united. They have you, who understand them, values their work and their contributions to the local and national economies of two countries. Today Teresa, Alejandro and many other farmworkers could use your support. Today is a time when your GIVING can help others with winter items most of us take for granted – sleeping bags, hoodies, winter jackets, bike lights and water bottles for long days in the field.

Give because you can. Give because you want. Give because it makes a difference.

Give today.

Hoy es un buen día para dar – Hoy alguien necesita tu ayuda

Para cuando el sol se asoma en la mañana, un trabajador del campo en Pescadero lleva un par de horas levantado preparándose para la jornada del día. El vino a los Estados Unidos porque las condiciones en su pueblo en Oaxaca eran duras. ¡En el pequeño pueblo de donde viene el trabajaba el mismo número de horas por $4.55 dólares al día! Cruzar la frontera con su familia y encontrar un trabajo de este lado parecía la única opción para tener un futuro mejor.

Su esposa también está levantada. Juntos preparan su comida para el día y despiertan a sus niños para llevarlos con una cuidadora que los llevará al camión escolar más tarde.

Teresa y Alejandro, como muchos otros trabajadores en la Costa Sur y en el resto de California y otros pueblos agrícolas en los Estados Unidos, trabajan muy duro y bajo todas las condiciones – calor y frío por igual. Ellos son gente de buen carácter quienes proveen lo que necesitan para su familia aquí y sus padres que viven en México a quienes no han visto en 16 años.

He platicado en muchas ocasiones con Teresa acerca de su venida a los Estados Unidos, de sus miedos y, siempre le hago ver, de su valentía. Ella es una madre que se preocupa por sus hija que se va a graduar de la preparatoria este año y de su hijo en la primaria. Ella trabaja en un vivero durante el día, toma clases de inglés en la noche y viene a clases de padres y otros talleres cuando puede. Ella está involucrada en la escuela y en la comunidad y es voluntaria de eventos comunitarios ocasionalmente.

El futuro de Teresa y Alejando está en el punto más incierto que han estado en mucho tiempo. Ellos tiene miedo de ser separados de sus hijos sin aviso. La primera vez que hablamos de este tema, luego de los resultados de las elecciones, ellos querían saber si era mejor irse o quedarse. Ellos decidieron quedarse y ver si la nueva administración realmente los manda a México o si pueden continuar su vida aquí.

Esta familia decidió quedarse en parte porque tienen amigos, vecinos y empleadores que se preocupan por ellos. Ellos tienen a puente que siempre va a luchar para que estén juntos, fuertes y unidos. Ellos lo tienen a usted, que los entiende y valora su trabajo y sus contribuciones a la economía local y nacional de los países. Hoy, Teresa, Alejandro y muchos otros trabajadores del campo necesitan su apoyo. Hoy es un día en el que DAR puede ayudar a muchos con ropa y artículos de invierno que muchos de nosotros damos por sentado – cobijas, suéteres, luces para bicicletas.

Dé porque puede. Dé porque quiere. Dé porque su ayuda hace una diferencia.

Dé hoy.